- Visibility: 15+ miles
- Mt. Baker visible at times today.
- Wind: 10-15 knots West
- Sky: clear and sunny!
- Water: calm
- We spied three eagles on Turbine Rock this morning.
- 14 elephant seals on Great Race today, including both Chunk and Chuckles.
- As Second Nature was departing Race Rocks sometime after 9:00, Kyle spied several whale watching boats following a pod of orcas outside the reserve.
- I hopped aboard (sans camera) and we went off to join the fleet.
- Over the next half hour or so, we watched 5 or 6 orcas as they repeatedly surfaced on their southerly course.
- Christine (Guy’s wife) took several photographs; perhaps she will share them with us soon.
- Pam Birley discovered a Black Oystercatcher nest today via webcam. That makes 3 known nests.
- As Pam noted, it is “not a good spot to nest because the Otter likes to sunbathe in that spot on the rocks.”
- Chunk
- 3 eagles
- Water battles
- Chuckles and Chunk
- Oystercatcher nest!
- Watchful parent
- Photo by Pam Birley
- I did some yellow paint touch up on the jetty.
- Sprayed more algicide on the students’ house.
- Shut-down the students’ house.
- Second Nature arrived around 9:00, and properly departed around 10:00 after our unexpected whale watching trip!
- Many eco-tours came by today.
- A few of them appeared to be too close to the sea lions.
- Bye bye!
- Second Nature leaving
- Too close?
- Too close?
- Kyle, Guy, Christine, and their daughter arrived at 9:00.
- Guy and Christine were dropping off some gear for their upcoming shift.
- Maya, Tazi, and Ali departed on Second Nature.