Still just two pups


  • Visibility: 15 Miles
  • Wind: 5-15 SW
  • Sky: Overcast
  • Water: pretty calm today


  • Guy delivered some fuel yesterday, other than that its been pretty windy so not a lot of ecotours going by but there is still a few out there


  • Haven’t had any power issues lately, waiting on one more little part for the pressure washer before I can start trying to make these buildings white again
  • I am slowly moving the woodpiles around, bringing more in and stacking the stuff under the stairs


  • Both pups are still doing great, they are already getting pretty big, the first pup is going to much bigger than this third pup that I’m hoping will be here any day now, I check on the elephant seals regularly to see if the third mom has given birth yet.
  • Will update the census tomorrow, there definitely seems to be less sea lions and many, many more eagles