Storms and Surf Scoters

Baby Harbour seal -Around 2 ft long

Baby Harbour seal -around 2 ft long

Ecological Happenings

  • Storm warning with high winds overnight and gale force in the morning. Overcast with lashing rain at points.
  • Small Harbour seal pup seen on the boat ramp first thing.
  • Surf Scooters seen to the south of the main island in the afternoon.
  • The Bald Eagles were seen buzzing flocks of gulls and cormorants on the rocks, driving the gulls into the air and the cormorants to sea. The gulls retaliated by mobbing the Eagles in the air and driving them off.
  • The female Elephant seal was absent this morning and did not return all day. The smaller Elephant seal seemed like it was looking for her through the day. The males barely moved and snoozed through the storm.
  • Sea lions rafted together and played in the surf jumping clear out the water at times.

Marine Vessels

  • None


  • Jetty cleared of driftwood from yesterday’s storm.
  • Logs at the student house re-stacked as they had been blown over in the high winds last night.
  • Pressure washer pump lubricated and reassembled.
Surf Scoter

Surf Scoters

Small Elephant seal looking for female

Small Elephant seal

Sealion raft

Sea lions rafting

Sea lions playing in the surf

Sea lions playing in the surf

Black Oystercatchers preening and hiding from the wind

Black Oystercatchers preening and hiding from the wind

Adult (left) and immature (right) Thayer's Gulls

Adult (left) and immature (right) Thayer’s Gulls