Weather Today:
- Sky partly cloudy, intermittent rain
- Visibility
- 20-35 knots W- SW throughout the day
- Sea state: Swells up to 1.5 m, 1-2 foot chop
Visitors: Few boats through the reserve today as the seas have been a bit rough. A few eco-tourism boats in late afternoon watching a humpback whale just outside of the reserve.
- Not many unusual bird sightings this week as it has been incredibly windy. Quite a few more cormorants this week!
- Erica, or GE103 has been enjoying napping around race rocks still this week. Her favorite spot is the jetty, although if there are too many sea lions she will venture higher onto the middle part of the island for some proper rest.
- 69 Harbour seals
- 23 Glaucous-winged gulls
- 163 California gulls
- 43 Brandt’s cormorants
- 263 Stellar sea lions
- 695 California sea lions
- 2 Bald eagles
- 1 Elephant seall
- 1 Sea otter
- 1 Humpback whale (just outside of the reserve)
- 10 Black turnstones
- 5 Savannah sparrows
- Stormy clouds moving in from open ocean (west)
- Elephant seal GE103
- Fish left by sea lions
- Branded california sea lion
- Harbour seal near jetty
- Victoria Skyline
- Stellar sea lions
- Bald eagle with fish (seagulls chasing) (1)
- (2)
- Spill response vessel heading towards the northern Vancouver Island