- Sky partly cloudy, sun/blue sky
- Visibility 15 NM
- Wind 26-30 knots W
- Sea state: swells up to 5 m (high enough to cover the south islands!)
- Greg visited briefly yesterday to top up supplies before the stormy weather
- Yesterday morning a coastguard team arrived by helicopter to do some work on the lighthouse
Ecological Observations:
- The sea lions and other animals have come further onto land than usual, presumably because of the stormy seas. Interestingly, the seagulls species have been mixing and not fighting at all as they need to remain closer together in the tough weather.
- There have been quite a few more geese over the past few days. They have been enjoying the puddles created by the rain and grazing the greener areas now that the gull nesting season is over.
- Geese drinking from rain water puddles (1)
- (2)
- Coastguard helicopter (visiting for maintenance) (1)
- (2)
- Tower on a calm afternoon (the calm before the storm!)
- California Sea Lion resting in the middle of Great Rock
- Sea lions surrounding the CODAR antenna
- Stormy seas crashing onto shore
- Herring left by seagulls
- Interestingly, the gulls have been building nests outside of nesting season.
- Geese wandering the island on a calm afternoon
- E103, “Erica” after a jetty bath- much better!
- Gulls in the air as the sun rises over Washington