Weather and Sea Conditions
Westerlies 10 – 20 knots
Partly overcast
Visibility good
Sea condition – calm
Showers distant, strange clouds
Forecast light winds and showers
Vessels in Ecological Reserve
Whale watching vessels observed working in Ecological Reserve – 20
Other commercial operators – none observed
Sports fishing boats observed in reserve 7 (none fishing in Reserve)
RCM-SAR RHI crossed ER at high speed
One Whale Watcher sped in ER (19 out of 20 okay)
Ecology (see photos)
Sea lion photo-documentation of brands and tags
Resting Shorebirds
Late fledging GwGu chicks
Six Bigg’s Killer Whales feeding in kelp beds off Rocky Point, travelling slowly westward late in afternoon (Reported to Cetacean Sightings, no photos)
Rainwater used for scrubbing
Composting toilet maintenance
Maintenance and Operations
Chainsaw chain filed (badly rocked but still more than half a chain left after extensive filing)
Axe wire brushed rust, filed the bevel, waxed (anti-rust treatment) (see photos)
Other regular, daily chores
- Black Turnstones and Surfbirds resting.
- Late fledging Glaucous-winged Gull with adult behind, head turned.
- Tagged and branded California Sea Lion X170 Tag visible.
- Tagged and branded California Sea Lion X170 Brand visible.
- Columbia River tagged California Sea Lion C105 on exactly the same spot as the last two years at this time.
- Columbia River tagged California Sea Lion C395
- Stellers Sea Lion branded with 873R
- California Sea Lion branded with X611