Summer in October

Today felt like summer! 20 degrees, sunny, and windless, just beautiful!

The sea lions really did a number on the fence over night, a few broke right through and I had to shoo 3 of them back from various areas. There was one particular sea lion that couldn’t figure out how to get back across the fence so I lowered an entire section for him and in true Cali fashion he panicked and ran through an entirely different section and tore it all down. The fence was unplugged of course, but I swear when a sea lion’s fight or flight reflex kicks in the rest of their brain shuts off and they just flail.

Flight over fight is often their choice

There were whales for miles in every direction, so easy to see when the ocean is as glassy as it was today. T049C Neilson cruised through the reserve today, he is a 26 year old transient killer whale who typically travels alone. He also has a love for playing with buoys and crab traps – often resulting in panicked calls to DFO from people thinking he’s entangled. Not the safest hobby to take up when you’re a whale.

Overall today was rather casual, lots of time outside in the sun and an afternoon spent fixing the fence….again!


  • Ecotourism: 16
  • Private: 4


  • Sky: Blue and sunny
  • Wind: Not even a breeze!
  • Sea: Glassy
  • Temperature: Low 8•C, High 20•C

** All wildlife photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **