Today’s Weather Conditions:
- Sky clear
- Visibility 15+ NM
- Wind 20-25 knots W
- Sea state: calm, rippled
- Temperature today
Visitors/Marine Traffic:
- Today Greg delivered water
- There was one pleasure craft fishing within the reserve this morning.
- One whale watching boat today. They came very close to the jetty where there was an elephant seal soaking in the water to relieve his molting discomfort. The elephant seals visibly react to the disturbance with vocalization similar to when they are threatened by other male seals.
- One large private vessel passed through on Saturday evening with roughly 15 people on board
Ecological Observations:
- The goslings are doing well and have been moving around the island. The parents seem very alert and keep them close. It is quite impressive given how limited fresh water can be.
- There have been quite a few young (still have grey plumage) seagulls passing through. They don’t integrate with the other seagulls, but rather stay on the more exposed areas of rock.
- The nesting seagull population seems to have stabilized, and there are roughly 300 seagulls consistently on the island. When Daniel was here he counted around 80 nests, but there seem to be more appearing daily.
- 294 Seagulls
- 12 Adult black oystercatchers
- 2 Black oystercatcher chicks
- 117 Harbour seals
- 1 Juvenile bald eagle
- 6 Brandt’s cormorants
- 59 Pigeon guillemots
- 2 Male elephant seals
- 1 Young stellar sea lion
- 16 Adult Canadian geese
- 4 Canadian goose goslings
- Oyster catcher chick eating a limpet
- Seagull snacks
- Harbour seals on Rosedale Rock
- Goose family (1)
- (2)
- Adult geese enjoying the calm waters
- Interesting illusion/reflection of Victoria
- Blooming calendulas
- Elephant seal (moulting)
- Elephant seal flipper
- College vessel delivering supplies