Just trying to fill up the water tank before guests come to stay in the guest house for a few nights
The eggs hatched a little sooner than planned, so I missed addling that nest, but the goslings are pretty cute, there are a total of 8 nests this year, as far as I have seen
still 13 elephant seals here, the male pup is still around too and most of the elephants have started molting
as many of you noticed the cameras were down, that is because there was an issue without the router on Saturday, we just got replacement parts today and everything should be up running this also includes my internet which means I can post on this blog again
A lot of elephant seals lately, there are 7 females and 4 males, this includes the pup
The males are very small, no big noses yet, they must be 2 or 3 years old, one of them has a green tag D018
the female pup left two days ago but the male pup is still here, he will probably leave any day now
only one of the females has been molting so far, the other 6 will probably start soon
I have counted 6 goose nests so far, I haven’t been able to addle them because I do need someone to help me fend off the geese while one takes the eggs. We do this is a population control method and have a permit to addle goose eggs