marine ecology educational resource, remote-control webcams,elephant seal colony,Sea lion haulout,sustainable energy, solar energy
- Visibility: 15 miles
- Wind: 10-20 knots NE
- Sky: overcast
- Water: 1′ chop
- At about 18:00 it began to rain for a bit.
- The female elephant seal and the weaner spent the day sleeping on the ramp beside the jetty.
- Some eagle activity that kept the geese and seagulls wary.
- Some goose work.
- Nearly finished topping up the batteries.
- One eco-tour came by in the morning.

- Heard a couple of planes pass over the reserve.
- One in the morning, and one in the afternoon.
- Visibility: 15 miles
- Wind: 0-10 knots E/NE
- Sky: clear
- Water: rippled
- The weaner returned. I’m not sure how much longer the term “weaner” applies?
- Initially I thought the weaner was a male, but now I think it is actually a female.
- There were three adult bald eagles in the reserve today. I just missed getting a photo of all three flying together.
- I made a little “trip” to the north-west edge of Great Race.
- Kyle came out in Haiku with some food for me!
- A large Canadian Navy ship, the HMCS Vancouver, tied up on the navy buoy at the mouth of Pedder Bay.
- Visibility: 15 miles
- Wind: a steady 20-25 knots West
- Sky: mostly sunny
- Water: 1′ chop
- Census day!
- The weaner was lounging by the house all day.
- Discovered my first Canada Goose nests with eggs in them.
- Harbour Seals: 143
- California Sea Lions: 66
- Steller (Northern) Sea Lions: 42
- Elephant Seals: 1 weaner
- Seagulls unspecified: 221
- Surfbirds: 62
- Cormorants unspecified: 27
- Double Crested Cormorant: 4
- Black Turnstones: 29
- Canada Geese: 21
- Rock Sandpipers: 11
- Harlequin Ducks: 7 (5 males and 2 females)
- Bald Eagles: 7 (2 adults, 5 immature)
- Black Oystercatchers: 2
- Killdeer: 1
- At least one eco-tour came by today.
- Visibility: 15 miles
- Wind: 10-15 knots North, later NW
- Sky: mostly clear
- Water: 1′ chop
- The weaner was back on Great Race today, over by the base of the tower.
- The other male is still here too.
- I saw some rock sandpipers today. Perhaps I failed to pick them out from the surfbirds yesterday.
Rock sandpiper and Surfbirds
- Hand pumped more diesel into the day tank.

- Lots of DND blasting today.
- Big blasts at the following times:
- 9:48, 9:50, 10:06, 10:22, 12:00, and 12:02.
- Bigger bangs at the following times:
- 14:09 and 14:12.

- Visibility: 15 miles
- Wind: 5-10 knots North
- Sky: overcast
- Water: rippled

- Census day!
- The weaner was gone this morning. Hopefully he is ok.
- Normally I only ever see killdeer at night, but today I saw a pair off and on all day!
- California Sea Lions: 85
- Harbour Seals: 44
- Steller (Northern) Sea Lions: 39
- Elephant Seals: 1 male
- Seagulls unspecified: 269 (same total two weeks in a row!)
- Pigeon Guillemots: 241
- Cormorants unspecified: 57
- Surfbirds: 49
- Harlequin Ducks: 32 (16 males and 16 females)
- Black Turnstones: 22
- Canada Geese: 13
- Black Oystercatchers: 9
- Bald Eagles: 6 (2 adults, 4 immature)
- Killdeer: 2
- Kyle stopped by for 1 minute to exchange the extra security camera for a new Wifi access point.
- There were several fishing boats literally yards outside the Rockfish Conservation Area.
- A few eco-tours came by.
- Installed the new Wifi access point in the Students’ House.
- Lots of DND blasting today.
- Small blasts at the following times:
- 10:25, 10:27, 10:45, and 12:34.
- Larger blasts at the following times:
- 12:32, 12:53, 14:52, 14:54, and 15:11.
- Visibility: 15 miles
- Wind: 5-10 knots West in the morning
- Around 15:30 the wind picked up to 25+ knots West. 18:00 peak at 42 knots.
- Sky: overcast, then some blue sky, then some rain
- Water: no visible wave crests, but lots of surge
- One of the larger male e-seals returned in the morning.
- The weaner is still around.
- Lots of bald eagles in the reserve.
harlequin ducks
- Kyle and I took a look at the diesel hand pump and the desalinator.
- Kyle came out in Second Nature with the 2 person film crew to take some footage.
- Several eco-tours came by later on.
- A few boats out fishing halibut just beyond the reserve.
- Kyle and the film crew were on the island for about 2 hours.
- Lots of DND blasting today.
- There were blasts at the following times:
- 10:00~, 12:50, 12:52, 13:12, 13:20, 13:23.