Arenaria melanocephala: Black Turnstone–The Race Rocks Taxonomy


Ryan took this image in January 2009. At that time of year there were over a dozen turnstones foraging across the island.


The Black Turnstone breeds in Western and Southern Alaska on the coastal plain. It winters only on the Pacific coast, from southeast Alaska to central Mexico. It is the most abundant shorebird of rocky shorelines. Favourite habitats include reefs, rocky beaches, jetties, and gravel bars at the mouths of rivers or along lagoons. It may also forage on adjacent mudflats wet sandy beaches, floating kelp beds, and piles of washed-up seaweed. Black Turnstones have been recorded roosting on dry rocks, jetties, and floating log booms at which time they may gather into extremely dense flocks.
It is widely distributed along the inner and outer coast. Its distribution is largely restricted to rocky coastal shorelines, but it frequents many fiords and protected inlets. It is a vagrant in the interior. The Black Turnstone usually occurs in flocks of 10 to 30 birds at Race Rocks where it overwinters.

This slide show shows the Black Turnstone being part of the Food Web at Race Rocks providing  energy for the Peregrine falcon!

Reference used:

Below are the records for population numbers of Black Turnstones observed in the Christmas Bird Counts.
Domain Eukarya
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Subphylum Vertebrata
Class Aves
Order Charadriiformes
Family Scolopacidae
Genus Arenaria
Species melanocephala
Common Name: Black Turnstone

Other Members of the Class Aves at Race Rocks.

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and Image File
pearsonlogo2_f2The Race Rocks taxonomy is a collaborative venture originally started with the Biology and Environmental Systems students of Lester Pearson College UWC. It now also has contributions added by Faculty, Staff, Volunteers and Observers on the remote control webcams.
Angela Chaisson, PC yr 28


Turnstones and Orca

TEMPERATURE: Max. 17.0 ºC »» Min. 9.9 ºC »» Reset 15.9 ºC
MARINE LIFE: several groups of 20 or so Cormorants are spending part of the day on North Rks. and the rocks on the southeast of Gr. Race. There are now about 60 Black Turnstones busy along the shoreline, you can often see them on camera # 3 hopping among the sealions foraging for sand fleas or beach hoppers.Most of the time though they are farther down on the beach where the food supply includes small crabs which they find by ‘turning over pebbles and small stones’ thus the name Turnstone.There was one identified transient Orca, a large bull known as Y1 through the reserve about 10 am. There were 4 or 5 other Orca with him including a calf. These transeints came in from the west between North Rks. and Gr. Race. They spent a while foraging about not far off the dock then circled Gr. Race rather slowly before moving off to the northwest. At about 11:15 heard a report from one of the Ecotour boats that there was a group of residents in the entrance of Pedder Bay, did see some tail slapping and breaching but too far away to identify any individuals.
HUMAN INTERACTION: Second Nature in with supplies this morning. While the Orca were in the reserve 4 boats followed them which is contrary to the guidelines. 3 of the boats were fishing charters ,Beasley, Adams and Island Outfitters. The 4th was an unidentified 5 or 6 metre open Lifetimer.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:12 PM


Saturday, August 24, 2002

Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 17.1 C  Min. 10.1 C Reset 15.0 C
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:17 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Obscured  Vis. 1/8 Miles Fog  Wind West 25 Knots  Sea 2 – 3 Foot Moderate  Remarks Vis. North West >> North East 2 Miles
posted by Carol or Mike S at 5:38 AM

Friday, August 23, 2002 Good Evening

TEMPERATURE: Max. 12.9 C  Min. 9.9 C Reset 10.8 �C

HUMAN INTERACTION: The fog finally lifted just before 11:00 and we counted 25 Ecotour boats, 2 sailboats and 1 dive charter,also station boat to Pedder Bay and return.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:19 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Obscured  Vis. 1/8 Miles Fog  Wind West 19 Knots  Sea 2 – 3 Foot Chop
posted by Carol or Mike S at 5:37 AM

Thursday, August 22, 2002

Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 12.5 C  Min. 9.3 C C      10.7C
Very chilly with the fog in and out all day, heard boats going by but visibility too poor to see them.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:15 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Part Cloudy  Vis. 10 Miles Vis. South East >> South West 3 Miles Fog Wind West 11 Knots  Sea Rippled
posted by Carol or Mike S at 5:26 AM
Wednesday, August 21, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max Min. 10. Reset 12.C
MARINE LIFE: The gulls are spending less time ashore now preferring to fish from the kelp beds. A group of about 20 cormorants spent the morning on the east end of the southeast rocks and the black turnstones seem to favour the little east bay.
There were 7 Ecotour boats and 2 pleasure craft through today also the Hyaku was in with Angus and 2 guests.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:09 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Part Vis. 15 Wind West 17 Sea Rippled
posted by Carol or Mike S at 5:33 AM

Daily Gales

Monday, December 10, 2001
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 5.8C — Min. 4.7C — Reset 4.7C — Rain 7.2 mm
WEATHER: We are well into the winter weather pattern now although the winter solstice is another 11 days away.With the heavy dark clouds and almost daily gales the area is not too hospitable.The Sea Lions are always on the move hauling out in the lee as the wind changes direction.
MARINE LIFE: There are 35-40 Cormorants,mostly on the South East Rocks and 250 gulls on the East ridge of Gr.Race,another 300 or so gulls along the south and west shores. Other birds that we see every day are Black Turnstones.Starlings and crows.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:05 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Overcast — Vis. 15 Miles — Wind North 13 Knots — Sea 3 Foot Moderate with Low South East Swell
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:24 AM

Temperature rise

temperature rise today is reflected in the return of the seagulls and 150 cormorants +60 starlings, 25 black Turnstons, 15 black oyster catchers, 16 crows, 21 bald eagles [10 mature

5 sealions hauled out on North  rock.  120  sealions  on West race. 22 on great race .

143/32  second nature  was out with BCTEL  learning Channel promo visit. Angus, Garry, and Chris with them.