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Visibility: 15 miles for most of the day with the Washington coast as clear as I’ve seen it so far, until early evening when fog came in from the east covering downtown Victoria from view.
Wind: Little to no breeze during the day with it picking up to 14-18 knots by 7pm.
Sky: Mostly cloudy with some sun
Water: calm throughout the day, a bit choppy at times
Boat traffic was fairly minimum today with the usual commercial vessels in the distance and one or two whale watching boats.
No visitors today
There seems to be more stellar sea lion pups on the island, especially on the south rocks in the last few days, though I may just have not noticed them among the “piles” of bodies as they tend to lay all over each other.
Still lots of Black Turnstones, Cormorants, Eagles, Canada Geese and Gulls around
Only saw one of the male elephant seals around today
Chopped some bigger logs into kindling for the woodstove this afternoon and cleaned up a lot of rocks of varying sizes that have been falling from the paths and bank walls between the lighthouse and science house.
Pretty chilly today, had frost on the ground and frozen puddles for the first time.
Posted in Bird Notes , Ecoguardians Log , weather notes
Tagged bald eagle , black-turnstone , Canada geese , cormorant , elephant seal , fog , gull , stellar sea lion pups , whale watching
Visibility: 5 miles in the morning but cleared up throughout the day
Wind: Quite windy throughout the day with gusts reaching upwards of 32 knots, calmed down by evening.
Sky: Mostly cloudy with some sun
Water: rough throughout the day, large swells
Boat traffic was pretty minimum today with the rough waters
No visitors today
Saw a group of about 16 Cormorants and 8 Oyster Catchers amongst around 100 seagulls on the SW corner of the island
Canada geese are still around in small groups
Lots of Black Turnstones out on the grass the past few days
Didn’t get any snow on the island but could see lots of it on shore. Also had power and internet all day without interruptions.
Visibility: 15 miles
Wind: Light breezes throughout the day then very high, Gale force winds came in around 9 or 10 pm of up to 39 knots for an hour or two then died down to a steady 20-25 knots with rain.
Sky: cloudy with some sun
Water: mostly calm, a bit choppy during the day then very rough throughout the night.
Saw 6 or 7 sail boats out together and 1 diving boat
No visitors today
Had a group of 12-14 Black Turnstones munching grass together in front of the house.
Our resident elephant seal Bernard has been joined by another large male elephant seal. They seem to be keeping their distance from each other for now.
The view of the Olympic Mountains has been beautiful and clear these last few days. A nice change from the cloak of fog and clouds that often cover them from sight.
Visibility: 15 miles
Wind: 6-10 NE throughout day
Sky: cloudy with some sun
Water: mostly calm, a bit choppy
had a few eco tour boats cruise by
no visitors today
California Sea Lions – 120
Stellar Sea Lions – 102
Harbour Seals – 4
Seagulls – 252
Eagles – 5
Cormorant – 22
Canadian Geese – 12
Black Turnstone – 3
Posted in Bird Notes , Ecoguardians Log , Ecology
Tagged bald eagle , black-turnstone , california sea lion , Canada geese , census , cormorant , ecotour , harbour seal , seagulls , Stellar Sea Lions
Posted in Animal census , Bird Notes , Ecoguardians Log , Mammal Notes , weather notes
Tagged bald eagle , Black Oystercatcher , black-turnstone , california sea lion , Canada goose , cormorant , crow , elephant seal , harbour seal , harlequin duck , Northern sea lion , pigeon guillemot , savannah sparrow , seagull , Steller Sea lion , surfbird
Visibility: 15 miles
Wind: 0-5 knots South.
From 17:00 onwards, 15-20 knots West.
Sky: clear and sunny most of the day.
From 17:00 onwards, some clouds and rain.
Water: calm
Census day!
One sea lion was branded U958.
Colour wise it looks like a Steller, but if you look at the head I think it was a California.
Laura and her class found a sculpin (type of fish) head.
Four of what I suspect to be Short-billed Dowitchers today. Fun to watch!
Didn’t see the killdeer today, which is unusual.
Steller (Northern) Sea Lions: 66
Harbour Seals: 60
California Sea Lions: 57
Elephant Seals: 13 (4 on Great Race, 9 on Middle Rock)
Pigeon Guillemots: 269
Seagulls unspecified: 154
Surfbirds: 57
Canada Geese: 17
Black Turnstones: 17
Cormorants unspecified: 14
Harlequin Ducks: 9 (5 males and 4 females)
Black Oystercatchers: 6
Savannah Sparrows: 6
Short-billed Dowitchers: 4..
Bald Eagles: 2 (2 adults, 0 immature)
A couple of eco-tours came by.
Second Nature came out multiple times, delivering 4 groups of students.
On her second last return, she had overheating issues, so Kyle had to come out in Haiku for the last trip.
Kyle, James, Laura, and 26 students came out to Race Rocks today.
The students were doing a walk about with Laura, discussing marine biology for their upcoming final exam.
James did some work on the Davis Weather station and got most of it working again.
Four DND blasts today.
10:05, 10:07, 11:24, and 11:26.
Posted in Animal census , Bird Notes , Ecoguardians Log , Island Visitors , Mammal Notes , Marine Vessels , Military Activity , PC Students at Race Rocks
Tagged bald eagle , Black Oystercatcher , black-turnstone , california sea lion , Canada goose , cormorant , DND blasting , elephant seal , harbour seal , harlequin duck , Northern sea lion , pigeon guillemot , savannah sparrow , seagull , Second Nature , short billed dowitcher , Steller Sea lion , students , surfbird , weather station
Posted in Animal census , Bird Notes , Ecoguardians Log , Mammal Notes , Marine Vessels
Tagged bald eagle , Black Oystercatcher , black-turnstone , branded , california sea lion , Canada goose , cormorant , crow , elephant seal , harbour seal , harlequin duck , kayak , nest , Northern sea lion , pigeon guillemot , river otter , savannah sparrow , seagull , Steller Sea lion , surfbird
Posted in Animal census , Bird Notes , Ecoguardians Log , Mammal Notes
Tagged bald eagle , Black Oystercatcher , black-turnstone , branded , brandt's cormorant , california sea lion , Canada goose , cormorant , crow , double-crested cormorant , elephant seal , harbour seal , harlequin duck , hawk , killdeer , Northern sea lion , pelagic cormorant , pigeon guillemot , rock sandpiper , savannah sparrow , seagull , Steller Sea lion , surfbird , weaner
Visibility: 15 miles
Wind: a steady 20-25 knots West
Sky: mostly sunny
Water: 1′ chop
Census day!
The weaner was lounging by the house all day.
Discovered my first Canada Goose nests with eggs in them.
Harbour Seals: 143
California Sea Lions: 66
Steller (Northern) Sea Lions: 42
Elephant Seals: 1 weaner
Seagulls unspecified: 221
Surfbirds: 62
Cormorants unspecified: 27
Double Crested Cormorant: 4
Black Turnstones: 29
Canada Geese: 21
Rock Sandpipers: 11
Harlequin Ducks: 7 (5 males and 2 females)
Bald Eagles: 7 (2 adults, 5 immature)
Black Oystercatchers: 2
Killdeer: 1
At least one eco-tour came by today.
Posted in Animal census , Bird Notes , Ecoguardians Log , Mammal Notes , Marine Vessels
Tagged bald eagle , Black Oystercatcher , black-turnstone , california sea lion , Canada goose , cormorant , double-crested cormorant , elephant seal , harbour seal , harlequin duck , killdeer , nest , Northern sea lion , rock sandpiper , seagull , Steller Sea lion , surfbird , weaner
Visibility: 15 miles
Wind: 0-5 knots North, later 15-20 West
Sky: overcast
Water: calm in the morning, later a 1′ chop
Two elephant seals on Great Race today.
Adult male and the weaner.
They both went down to the water by evenfall.
same e-seal with friend
Hand pumped more diesel into the day tank.
Cleaned the solar panels.
Topped up more of the battery bank. Over half finished now!
Only saw one eco-tour.
A few fishing boats just outside the reserve.
DND zodiac out and about during blasting.
Lots of loud DND blasting today.
There were blasts at the following times:
10:48, 10:50, 11:10, 11:25, 13:36, 13:38, 13:56, 14:19, 14:34, and 14:51.
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