- Visibility 10+ NM
- Sky Clear, partly cloudy throughout the day
- Wind 15-20 knots NW
- Sea State white caps, waves up to .5 m
- No visitors to the island
- Two kayakers in the reserve yesterday- very respectful of the wildlife, well done folks!
- One pleasure craft yesterday that drifted around the reserve for quite a while (at least an hour)
- A few “drifting through” pleasure crafts/off shift whale watching boats sprinkled over the past two days
- We spotted the HMCS Regina heading into Pedder Bay
- We found another goose nest yesterday underneath the back steps of the main residence containing 8 eggs. We noticed that the nest near the desalination structure has been looted by seagulls and abandoned.
- The seagulls continue to arrive and establish their nesting spots. There are roughly 50% more gulls this week.
- Two juvenile gulls spent yesterday in the reserve. We didn’t observe them catching or eating anything.
- 92 Harbour Seals
- 87 Sea lions
- 11 elephant seals
- 8 pelagic cormorants
- 1 double crested cormorant
- 1 bald eagle (adult)
- 14 Canada geese
- 140 seagulls
- 3 black turnstones
- 2 black oystercatchers
- 1 black brant goose
The HMCS Regina A cormorant taking flight A young seal waits for mom to return (1/6) 2/6 3/6 4/6 5/6 6/6 An oyster catcher searching for snacks at low tide A branded sea lion The elephant seals have been soaking up the sunshine A young eagle Two kayakers making their way through race passage from Pedder Bay Seals resting on a sunny day