Ecological Notes:
- The Elephant Seals, the expecting female and the young female, left the ramp area and haven’t returned …. hoping they’re just off having a good feed and not looking at another haul out spot.
- In the past, most of the Steller Sea Lions have moved to the outer rocks, leaving the main rock to the California Sea Lions… but this season there are many more Stellers remaining on the main rock, even some have ventured onto the pier
- Parcel and supply delivery by the waterfront team
Facility Work:
- got some of the deck algae sprayed down during the nicer weather…. until the sprayers broke!
- Finally got some good logs in, shortened at the holding area, and moved up to the bucking area
- Weekly Battery maintenance
- Monthly Equalization charge to the Batteries
- Month end reports and posting
- The waterfront team brought out, and prepped a new door for the battery room, appears to now also need a new door frame
- Old
- New
DND events:
- regular blasting, a few times a day for the last week, no noted reaction from the wildlife.
Noted Vessel Traffic:
- In addition to a few eco-tourism vessels, there have been a few private vessels visiting the reserve, all with good behaviour
Weather Events:
The last week has been primarily N NE winds, leading to mostly clear skies and dry weather. Seas have had light chop, slight fog daily on the shoreline away from the reserve.
- Thursday, December 05:
- Sky: High overcast, fog on the southern strait
- Wind: NE winds 10-15 kts
- Sea: light chop
- Temperature Low 4oC, High 8oC
- Sky: High overcast, fog on the southern strait
** All wildlife photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **
Weather – Current:
Weather – Past: