Sea lion population still down

Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 9.5 ºC »» Min. 4.9 ºC »» Reset 7.9 ºC
MARINE LIFE: The population of Sealions is still down since the last series of blasts so it is fairly quiet,the animals hauled out by the winch house are quite nervous of any activity on or near the dock. With another series of blasts in the coming weeks they may just move away altogether. Saw only 5 small fish balls today and not many birds feeding, seem to have followed the food elsewhere for now. The geese were back, at least 6 of them.
HUMAN INTERACTION: The LGL observers arrived first thing this morning and left at 16:30 and as careful as they were the sealions closest to the dock took to the water.There were 8 Ecotour boats through today.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:08 PM

Counted over 500 Cormorants just on North Rocks

Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 10.2 ºC »» Min. 7.0 ºC »» Reset 8.1 ºC
MARINE LIFE: Another good day for sea birds feeding, thousands of birds from Whirl Bay and as far as you can see to the east , every rock including Gr. Race ‘covered’ in birds. Counted over 500 Cormorants just on North Rocks and the rocks to the Southeast and most likely at least that many in the kelp beds. Not many Sea Lions have hauled out, only 15 along the north shoreline of Gr. Race, a group of 11 Northern are bunched together on the high point just east of the house but are very edgy.Most of the animals hauled out are on the middle rock.The injured California Sea Lion was gone at first light and we have not seen him all day. There were 7 geese today.There is no standing fresh water but they do enjoy the greens. A small group – 5 or 6 – Transient Orca were hunting in the entrance to Pedder Bay and took at least one seal. There were several pleasurecraft and 7 Ecotour boats watching the kill. After the boats left the Orca moved west along the shoreline quite slowly and at times rested on the surface for 5 minutes at a time. It took them a good hour to go from the east tip of Bentinck Island to Whirl Bay, I guess they continued west but did not see them again.
HUMAN INTERACTION: There was 1 dive charter in the West Race area, 13 Ecotour boats and 7 pleasurecraft through today.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 5:59 PM

Orca sighted

Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 14.1 ºC »» Min. 8.5 ºC »» Reset 11.8 ºC
MARINE LIFE: There are thousands of sea birds busy feeding in the many fish balls, a few inside the MPA but most of the action in about 1/2 to 1 mile past the boundaries. Many of the birds come into the reserve to rest ashore and in the kelp so there is a constant flow of birds back and forth. A small group of Orca were sighted southeast of Gr. Race travelling westsouthwest.1 Canada goose came ashore up over the rocks by the winch house causing a stampeed of sea lions. The gulls and other birds move among the sea lions all the time but for some reason, the goose rising up out of the water waving it’s neck and moving towards them was somewhat of a threat.The goose seems to have an injured left wing and moved into a protected area among some large boulders and except to pop it’s heard up every once in a while for a look around has stayed put all day. Cannot get close to the goose to assess it’s condition as any movement would disturb the 60 or so sea lions hauled out all along the shore.
HUMAN INTERACTION: There were 11 Eco tour boats and 7 pleasure craft through the reserve today.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:25 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Clear »» Vis. 15 Miles »» Wind East 11 Knots »» Sea Rippled
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:07 AM

Tour boats stiill out to the reserve

Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 15.0 ºC »» Min. 8.2 ºC »» Reset 13.7 ºC
MARINE LIFE: 1 pair of Black Oyster Catchers spent several hours in the east bay area mostly preening and sleeping, heard no vocalizing at all.The geese flew in just after 10 am but stayed only about an hour before heading off towards Pedder Bay.
HUMAN INTERACTION: There were 26 Ecotour boats, 3 dive boats, 1 sail boat, 9 pleasure craft and the DFO 3M boat in the reserve.The Station boat made a trip to Pedder Bay and back.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:03 PM

Several chicks have been blown into unfriendly territory

Thursday, August 08, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 15.9 C  Min. 10.8 C Reset 13.9 C
MARINE LIFE: The gull chicks are growing rapidly, a lot of wing flapping, unfortunately getting airbourne has it’s risks.Several chicks have been blown into unfriendly territory ie- a neighbouring nest, been attacked and have died. Most of the wounds were around the head and neck. The chicks still unable to fly in any organized way, run but in a panic just get farther from the safety of their nesting area. The adults treat a chick from a neighbouring nest as they would any other threat to the safety of their own young, they chase and peck at it and of course the squawking attracts other gulls and so there is the helpless chick set upon by 20 or so adult gulls. Fortunately most of the time the chick is able to get to neutral territory and by trial and error make it’s way back to the relative safety of it’s own nesting area.Six of the geese were back this morning, one of the adults was missing – we know the missing one is an adult because the five young are still making the ‘peeping’ sounds and do not show the ‘threat’ behavior of neck waving and hissing. Just before 20:00 they flew off towards Pedder Bay, wonder what happened to the ‘missing’ goose? There was another group of California sealions in the area last night just after 2 a.m. – sounded like a larger group, maybe 15 or so judging from the barking
which woke me up but this morning counted only 6 floating about in the kelp.
HUMAN INTERACTION: There were 23 Ecotour boats and 4 pleasure craft in the reserve today.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:40 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Overcast Vis. 10 Miles Wind West 21 Knots  Sea 2 Foot Chop
posted by Carol or Mike S at 5:52 AM

51 ecotour boats, 13 pleasure craft,

Monday, August 12, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 21.5 C  Min. 10.1 C  Reset 20.0 C
MARINE LIFE: Happy to report, missing adult goose back with the group today, no signs of trauma and no clue to explain it’s absence.The geese arrived mid-morning and flew off again late safternoon. Saw a group of about 16 Canada Geese in the familiar V formation fly over William Head this evening so I guess it’s that time of year already! Another sign of the coming fall season is the nightly arrival of small groups of sea lions. This morning there were 8 Northern and over 30 California sea lions hauled out, mostly on the rocks just northeast of Middle rock. By noon some Californians were scattered along the ridge of North rocks and several small groups just floating about in the kelp beds. 1 California sea lion has the # 1233 branded on it’s back and saw another with yellow tags on it’s flippers but could not read the number although this evening we tried to get close enough in the boat. Many of the young gulls are finally in the water, the sea conditions were perfect today with barely a ripple, the usual afternoon westerlies did not materialize and it was one of those rare warm evenings on Race Rocks.There were quite a few gulls in the kelp just to the east of Gr. Race, some were Heerman’s gulls with their unmistakable plumage, black feet and red bills.I expect it was much cooler than sitting here on the hot rocks -the young gulls were all panting in the heat.
HUMAN INTERACTION: There were 51 ecotour boats, 13 pleasure craft, the Hyaku in from P.C. with Garry and guests about 13:30 and again about 18:30 -Ryan at the wheel- with a group tour of the M.P.A.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:37 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Clear  Vis. 15 Wind North East 5 Knots Sea Rippled
posted by Carol or Mike S at 5:15 AM

a group taking fish just off shore on the west side of Gr. Race

Sunday, August 11, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 19.1 C  Min. 7.3 C  Reset 12.5 C
MARINE LIFE: The geese, 1 adult and the 5 young, flew in late this morning and stayed around until about 16:00, then headed over towards Pedder Bay.They still come every day but there is really not much for them to eat, I expect they will eventually stop coming altogether any day now.We are used to the ‘barking’ sea lions all night, but the 30+ gulls landing and taking off from the roof still wake us often, why they fly at night I don’t know but they are noisy.
HUMAN INTERACTION: There was one dive boat, 6 Ecotour boats and 9 pleasure craft in the reserve today. Unfortunately there are still sports fishers who have either not familiarized themselves with the fishing regulations or are just ignoring them but today, because the tide was too low to launch the station boat we had to call Chris to come out in the Hyaku from the campus to speak with a group taking fish just off shore on the west side of Gr. Race. It is the responsibility of people to be informed of the current regulations as stated in the Tidal Waters Sports Fishing Guide issued by Fisheries and Oceans Canada.Race Rocks is a Marine Protected Area and is a no take Zone.The monitoring policy is that if you are seen fishing we will ask that you move out of the area and any fish caught be thrown back, your boat registration and/or operator’s name recorded and submitted to Fisheries. The boat in Question today is 14K 29105.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:14 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Part Cloudy �� Vis 15 Miles �� Wind West 5 Knots �� Sea Rippled
posted by Carol or Mike S at 5:43 AM

fixed the fog horn

Wednesday, July 24, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 16.3 C  Min. 10.3 C Reset 12.3 C
MARINE LIFE:Well what a change in the weather, the fog and moderate westerlies is a nice relief from the heat.The Coast Guard came out in the sea truck with someone to fix the fog horn which failed last night – it was strange to be in the fog and no horn sounding! Well the geese spent the afternoon perfecting their landing skills, with the 25+ knt wind getting airborne was the easy part, we will miss them but in a way glad to see them spread their wings and move on to greener pastures.There are 6 harbour seals with pups that haul out each night, some on the boat ramp and others on various rocks on either side of the dock. The past couple of nights we can hear pups calling out for their mothers which are most likely out feeding, it’s a rather mournful sound but in most cases the pups are not left all that long.
HUMAN INTERACTION: The Coast Guard sea truck made 2 trips from Victoria to service the fog horn. There were 3 pleasure craft through the reserve today.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:43 PM

Good MorningWEATHER: Sky Obscured  Vis 3 – 5 Miles Fog  Wind West 27 Knots Sea 4 Foot Moderate With Low South West Swell

posted by Carol or Mike S at 5:17 AM

Bayside Middle School Visits

Wednesday, June 12, 2002
Good Evening:
TEMPERATURE Max 19.5C  Min 7.8C  Reset 19.5C
MARINE LIFE: Some large sea anemones spotted in the low intertidal today, many covered with shell grit as a protective layer from the heat. One Bald eagle sighting this morning, however none this evening. The Geese and Goslings were drinking from the freshwater pond frequently today, a sign of the hotter weather, however raising concerns about the eventual limits of the water supply.
HUMAN IMPACT: Hyaku docked with Garry and five students and their teacher from Bayside Middle School at low tide today. They participated in our live webcast as we showed them the special features of the island’s ecosystems. We have been particularly careful to provide a low-impact program so that the seabirds and seals are not disturbed. Zodiac left during the late evening. 6 ecotourism and three fishings boats through the reserve today. Michael Kiprop returned to Metchosin today to catch his flight home to Kenya tomorrow. We have appreciated his daily commitment to the technical aspects of our live mobile webcasts.
posted by at 11:20 PM