TEMPERATURE: Max. 10.1 ºC »» Min. 5.9 ºC »» Reset 7.2 ºC »» Rain 0.5 mm
MARINE LIFE: 2 Bald Eagles, 1 mature. The pair of geese continue to roam the Island, they have a great time in the pond-need some rain soon as they have splashed most of the water out! There are still 10 or so Sealions, 4 large Northern Sealions are hauled out on the south side of the southeast rocks.Without the elephant seals it is very quiet except when the gulls are stirred up by the eagles flying over the island.
HUMAN INTERACTION: 4 pleasure craft through the MPA ( on their way to the halibut grounds -derby this weekend) Station boat to Pedder Bay and back (computer died –to town to get new bits and bytes) 2nd Nature out with guests for a visit.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:22 PM
WEATHER: Sky Cloudy »» Vis. 10 Miles »» Wind West 19 Knots »» Sea 2 Foot Chop
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:09 AM