Elephant seal tangled

Monday, February 25, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 4c >> >> Min 2c >> >> Reset 4c >> >> Rain none
MARINELIFE: Lots of Elephant Seal action today with one in the west bay and one on the slipway. Took lots of video. One on Centre Rock is still tangled in line. Two mature and one immature Bald Eagles here in the morning. Still three pairs of geese.
HUMAN INTERACTION: One ecotour boat and a short visit from Second Nature to drop off supplies. An airplane flew over the MPA at a fairly low (500 ft?) altitude and circled the MPA three times.
posted by Angus Matthews at 9:25 PM
Good Morning
Weather: Sunny and clear >> >>Vis 17 Miles >> >> Wind NNE 14 Knots >> >> Sea 2 foot chop
posted by Angus Matthews at 9:18 PM

Balloon pollution !

Saturday, February 23, 2002
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Overcast –Vis 7 Miles — Moderate Rain — Wind NNE 18 Knots –Sea 1 foot chop.
posted by Angus Matthews at 7:24 AMGood Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 5.0c >Min 4.2c >Reset 4.8c > Rain 6.0
MARINE LIFE: A day of some confusion as a total reorganisation of the Centre Rock occurred when a large male Elephant Seal returned to the rock and everyone had to trade places. Some confusion for the geese as well with the arrival of a third pair starting a turf war. Only 1 mature and 1 immature Bald Eagle seen today about 16:45.
HUMAN INTERACTION: One dive charter boat with 4 divers aboard in the MPA during the morning and 2 eco-tour boats through in the afternoon. One rental boat 14K-37805 with two people aboard set up to fish just west of the engine room but left when hailed and waved off. A TRIDENT submarine was observed steaming (or reacting) west out of the strait for places unknown under the oceans. One other unusual environmental impact today; as a consequence of a political protest at the BC legislature some 12 nautical miles from Race Rocks. Three blue balloons with the Hospital Employee’s Union logo floated through the MPA carried on the ebb tide and a NNE breeze. Unfortunate pollution.
I was joined by my wife Sandy and our friends Cathy Denny and David Anderson who are staying overnight as deputy assistant guest Eco-guardians. This resulted in a great dinner of Red Snapper. (NOT taken from the MPA!)
posted by Angus Matthews at 9:32 PM

Students out from College for a webcast

Thursday, February 14, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 7.9C  Min. 3.9C  Reset 6.0C
MARINE LIFE: 13 mature, 2 immature Bald Eagles. The Geese spent the day in the Northeast quadrant of Gr. Race, then just after dark we heard them move around to the grass area by the tower, maybe to spend the night out of the wind.
HUMAN INTERACTION: College boats out with Angus, Garry, Chris and students about 9:30 to do a live webcast,not the best weather wind wise – a cold 13 knts. from the north but at least it was sunny! Everyone was rewarded on the trip back to campus with an unexpected ‘ interlude’ with an Orca – most likely transient- just outside the entrance to Pedder Bay. The lone bull was moving westward not too far off shore and although we had to watch him through the telescope it is always exciting to get even a glimpse.Garry and students returned for a dive at 3p.m. Left for the campus about 4:45 p.m. 2 Pleasure craft through the reserve today.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:06 PM


Monday, February 11, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 8.1C  Min. 2.0C Reset 5.1C  Rain 3.0 mm
MARINE LIFE: 13 mature, 4 immature Bald Eagles today. The 6 Canada Geese spent the day in the area around the Learning Centre. They kept an eye on Mike as he power washed the sidewalks but did not seem bothered by the activity.The Elephant Seal was hauled out on the rocks just below the tower in the morning and then spent most of the afternoon floating about in the East Bay.There were 7 Harlequin Ducks (4 male) also in the east bay area all morning, then saw them later much farther off shore towards the east.Counted 123 Cormorants today.
HUMAN INTERACTION: 1 pleasure craft through the reserve today.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:22 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Part Cloudy  Vis 15 Miles  Wind West 7 Knots Sea Rippled
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:10 AM

First of the Integrated Energy Talks

Sunday, February 10, 2002
 Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 8.0C  Min. 3.0C Reset 5.7C Rain 7.6 mm
MARINE LIFE:The California Sea Lion was still hauled out on the dock but went into the water just before 8:30 a.m. There were 10 mature and 3 immature Bald Eagles in the reserve by 8 a.m. The Bull Northern Elephant Seal is still spending most of the time along the shore of Gr. Race and in the little bay on the east side. Still 6 Geese.
HUMAN INTERACTION: 2nd Nature out about 9a.m. with students to manage things while we spent some quality time with family. While we were away there was quite a fierce weather system through the area and it was still blowing 29-32 knts. when we arrived at the dock, a little cold and damp but glad to be back! Chris picked up the students in 2nd Nature just as we were arriving back about 5p.m.
In the morning, Garry came out with Taco Niet and Ged McLean of ISEVIC. (University of Victoria) with 8 of the members of the alternate energy company “Clean Energy” from Vancouver. Taco presented us with his completed copy of his Masters Thesis in Engineering on the Proposed Energy Systems for Race Rocks. An excellent piece of research, parts of which we will be linking soon on our energy pages. An outline of an intriguing proposal for a current energy turbine system on which they are working was brought forward.- More later on the Race Rocks energy page.
–Garry Fletcher
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:07 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Cloudy Vis. 15 Miles Wind North East 11 Knots  Sea Rippled
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:13 AM

Moon jellyfish


Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Overcast  Vis. 15 Miles Light Rain  Wind West 7 Knots  Sea Rippled
MARINE LIFE: The Eagles arrived early a.m. as usual 14 mature and 5 immature but as the weather deteriorated about 11:30 with the front moving in from the west with 30+ knt winds, all but 3 matures left the area. A small group of surfbirds spent most of the afternoon along the shore by the boat dock somewhat protected from the wind. The 3 Canada Geese spent another day grazing in the grass in the northeast quadrant of Gr. Race then as the winds increased tucked in behind the rocks in the east bay area. We counted 7 Moon Jellyfish( Aurelia aurita) floating amid the logs and debris in the tide wash east side of the boat dock.Most of them were 15-16 cm wide. In the sea they looked bluish -white and translucent.Unfortunately they were somewhat battered as they washed towards shore and Garry said that they were on their last legs so to speak.
HUMAN INTERACTION: 2nd Nature in just after 9 a.m. with Angus,Garry and Chris for a informational staff meeting. Nice to have a visit especially this time of year even if short.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:29 AM
Tuesday, February 05, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 8.1C Min. 5.9C  Reset 6.7C  Rain 0.9 mm
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:07 PM