- Visibility: 10 miles, later 15 until…
- 19:35 onwards foggy, 100 yards.
- Fog horn sounded for over 3 hours.
- Wind: 0-5 knots South East.
- In the evening 15-25 West.
- Sky: overcast, then sunny, then foggy.
- Water: calm

Mount Baker near sunrise.

Strangely disturbed water.
- Census day! Counting stuff!
- Found what to me is a solo mystery bird.
- Surprised to see no Black Turnstones around today.
- Steller (Northern) Sea Lions: 53
- Harbour Seals: 35
- California Sea Lions: 29
- Elephant Seals: 13 (11 on Great Race, 2 on Middle Rock)
- Seagulls unspecified: 304
- Pigeon Guillemots: 225
- Cormorants unspecified: 21
- Canada Geese: 18
- Savannah Sparrows: 10
- Harlequin Ducks: 9 (6 males and 3 females)
- Black Oystercatchers: 7
- Bald Eagles: 2 (2 adults, 1 immature)
- Mystery bird: 1
- Black Turnstones: ZERO!
Sea lion with e-seals
Weaner ‘scapin’ big scary seals
Rock Sandpiper, or?
Pigeon Guillemots and Oystercatcher
Sea lions
- Lots of eco-tours cameth by today. Over 10!
- Some of them were perhaps a bit too close to the mammals at times?
- Kyle brought me my final food order; milk, red and green bell peppers, sour cream, and onions.
- Eerily reminiscent of the Thin White Duke’s diet..