- Visibility: 15+ miles
- Wind: 20-25 knots West
- Sky: clear and sunshine!
- Water: 1′ chop
- What a wonderful last full day on the island for the students!
- The elephant seals put on a show for our visitors.
- The four of us ran the derrick to make sure the thing is still operating smoothly.
- Tazi and Maya cleaned the solar panels.
- I did some algae removal.
- Kyle came out in Second Nature with two groups of kayak people.
- Several sailboats were still returning past Race Rocks this morning and even into the afternoon.
- Apparently they were participating in the 73rd annual Swiftsure International Yacht Race. What a wonderful activity!
- The distance of the race is 159 miles, and as of right now (Sunday evening) there are still a few boats making their way back towards Race Rocks.
- Early morning sailboats
- Another returnee
- 3 eco-tours
- 2 eco-tours
- 2 eco-tours
- Too close?
- 3 eco-tours
- Two groups of folks from the kayak symposium came out to Race Rocks (about 16 in total).
- Maya played us some guitar from the roof of the desalinator bunker.