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Visibility: 15 Miles
Wind: 15-20 NW
Sky: cloudy with sunny periods
Water: a bit choppy, under a metre
a few boats cruising around today
Quite a bit of movement with the elephant seals today, the pup playing in the mud puddle was the cutest thing ever
not much else around here today
Visibility: 15 Miles
Wind: 0-10 SE
Sky: Sunny all day
Water: calm
A few ecotours, fishing boats and divers today
a bit of movement today, one of the younger males was chasing the older pup and the bug guy stepped in and chased and the younger male off
the geese are seem to be starting to nest so they are getting louder and more aggressive
Visibility: 15 Miles
Wind: 5-15 NE
Sky: Cloudy with some sun in the afternoon
Water: on the calmer side today
quite a few boats cruising around today
All seems well with the elephants, they haven’t moved much today
the geese are getting a bit more annoying, looks like they will start nesting soon
Visibility: 15 Miles
Wind: 10-20 NE
Sky: Sunny all day
Water: Choppy 1-2 metres
Saw some boats cruising by
The pups are doing well, one of the younger males was attacking the oldest pup until Bernard came along and chased him off
Stellar Sea Lions – 80
California Sea Lions – 62
Harbour Seals – 28
Elephant Seals – 2 female pups, 3 males
Geese – 12
Oystercatchers – 16
Eagles – 6
Harlequinn Ducks – 9
Gulls – 283
Cormorants – 60
Black Turnstones – 35
Posted in Animal census , Bird Notes , Ecoguardians Log , Mammal Notes , Marine Vessels , weather notes
Tagged blackturnstone , california , census , cormorant , duck , ecotour , elephantseal , geese , gull , harbour , harlequinn , oystercatcher , pup , seal , sealion , stellar
Visibility:15 Miles
Wind: 10-40 NW
Sky: Cloudy with sun in the afternoon
Water: waves 1-2 metres
a couple ecotours went by this morning when it was more calm
The first pup who’s mother has left started exploring today, I was a bit worried when I didn’t see her in front of the house this morning but she was just on the other side of the lighthouse
I will be heading out tomorrow morning, Mikey will be filling in for me and I will be back on Feb 28th
Visibility:15 Miles
Wind: 0-15 NW
Sky: Cloudy
Water: Calm
a couple ecotours went by today
Some photos included of a possibly wounded female juvenile elephant seal that showed up yesterday that I haven’t seen since
finally replaced the flag, because the old one was getting pretty worn out, one of the red stripes was gone
ran the diesel and topped up the fresh water tank
Visibility:15 Miles
Wind: 0-10 NE
Sky: Cloudy
Water: Calm
a few ecotours went by today
I had a couple visitors come from the college to take a little tour around the island
Another mature female elephant seal showed up this morning, I am unsure if she is pregnant but I guess we will find out in a couple days
Stellar Sea Lions – 92
California Sea Lions – 117
Harbour Seals – 22
Elephant Seals – 11 – 5 males, 4 female and 2 pups
Cormorants – 97
Gulls – 204
Eagles –12
Black Turnstones – 33
Black Oystercatchers – 34
Geese – 4
Harlequin Duck – 14
Posted in Animal census , Bird Notes , Ecoguardians Log , Island Visitors , Mammal Notes , Marine Vessels , weather notes
Tagged blackoystercatcher , blackturnstone , california , census , cormorant , eagle , ecotour , elephantseal , geese , gull , harbourseal , harlequinduck , pup , sealion , stellar , visitor
Visibility:15 Miles
Wind: 0-10 NE
Sky: Cloudy
Water: Calm
a couple boats went by today
Both pups are doing well, not much interaction between them, the mothers tend to keep each other away but stay sort of close to each other
Visibility:15 Miles
Wind: 0-10 SE
Sky: Some clouds, mostly sunny
Water: Flat calm for the most part
Kyle, Jeff and Jack came by to deliver more batteries and help get that big log off the jetty
a couple ecotours and fishing boats went by
the elephant seals are all doing well
as are the sea lions
Having some problems uploading the photos, will try fix it tomorrow
Visibility:15 Miles
Wind: 10-15 NW
Sky: Partly Cloudy, quite a bit of sun today
Water: Choppy about 1 metre
a couple ecotours went by today
4 male elephant seal, the mom and pup are doing well
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