Laura’s marine science came by yesterday to see all the different species we have on the island and off the island we were lucky to see quite a few humpbacks around
Very minimal fence repairs which is a nice surprise, the sea lions are starting to avoid it more
Some pressure washing around the guest house, should be getting students for overnight trips soon
I counted about 8 different humpbacks around yesterday, also saw about 4 today
Not a lot of boat traffic today but there were still a few ecotours braving the weather
Fence maintenance, and running the generator because I didn’t get a lot of solar today
There are a few sea lion pups around, still no elephant seals
Not as many sea lions around today, going to do the census tomorrow to hopefully get higher numbers, because there have been a lot of sea lions around lately just not today
Quite a bit of boat traffic, many ecotours, fishing boats and sailboats
Guy came by, we junked out the generator room a bit and he gave me a training session on the winch, soon I should be able to take the whaler out by myself
Had to repair the fence a couple times today, hope to extend the fence all the way to the helicopter pad as soon as I get more stick and pegs
The Geese were around today
no elephant seals in sight
the blasting from the DND base was scaring the sea lions
also there were quite a few killdeer puttering around
Guy and Travis also came by today to help me with the fence, which is almost completely set up
Had to run the generator for quite a while today, the batteries have been getting low with lack of solar input, its been pretty foggy on and off lately
I will have a better idea tomorrow of how many sea lions there are but I would guess around 500 right now, about 100 more than last week
only one female elephant seal around today, havent seen the smaller one since last night
had to run the generator for a few hours today because there was no sunlight coming through those clouds
the sea lions are taking up that area between the guest house and the generator room, seems to be more and more of them everyday
there is another female elephant seal, shes bigger than the first one that showed up and more calm, she doesn’t look like she is molting as bad as the first one