Today’s Weather:
- Sky blue, obstructed by very thick fog
- Visibility 200-500 m
- Wind 5-10 knots SW
- Sea state: calm
Visitors/Marine Traffic:
- Today Greg visited to do some maintenance
- One whale watching boat in the reserve yesterday
- The occasional pleasure craft outside of the reserve or passing through
Ecological Observations:
- No seagull chicks yet, although most nests have 2-3 eggs now.
- The oystercatcher chicks have grown incredibly fast, and are now approximately half of the size of their parents
- One male goose who was injured by another goose during a fight earlier in the year is still limping. It seems like the damage to his leg will be permanent and while he is able to move around the island, he sits to eat and is too slow to keep up with the other geese. He spends a lot of time alone.
- Goose family
- Watching out for danger
- Elephant seal grumpy about the distruption!
- All 4 goslings still accounted for