- Sky overcast
- Visibility 10 NM
- Wind 10-15 knots W
- Sea state: calm
- One pleasure craft fishing within the reserve today. They did not have a visible number so we were unable to report to DFO.
- Yesterday Greg brought water which we pumped into our storage tank
- Today a large male elephant seal arrived! He is huge!
- The smaller female elephant seal has returned for a bit more R&R
- There are now goslings! There was one nest behind the boat shed which we did not see before. This morning we noticed two little fluffy goslings peeking out. Adorable!
- The oyster catchers have begun to lay eggs
- The seagulls are also laying eggs in full force. The nests are becoming fully established all over the island. They have become more defensive of their areas, which means we need to cover up! One of their favorite defense tactics is flying above us and trying to hit us with their droppings.
- Adult male elephant seal
- Look at that nose!
- His flipper
- Seagull nest near fuel shed
- Female elephant seal having a good scratch
- Freshly hatched goslings (1)
- (2)
- Oystercatcher nest and egg
- Oystercatcher
- Sea lion on jetty track
- Pigeon Guillemots