- Visibility 15+ NM
- Sky partly cloudy
- Wind 5-10 knots N (yesterday was very windy, 35+ knots)
- Sea state: calm
Marine Traffic/Visitors:
- This morning we observed 3 kayakers in the reserve when we heard the hullaballoo of sea lions rushing into the water. They stayed for roughly 20 minutes before crossing back towards Pedder Bay.
- A few fishing vessels outside of the reserve
- One large commercial fishing vessel from Vancouver passed by quite close to the reserve yesterday evening
- Today we saw the large “Cable Innovator” crossing towards Port Angeles. This article state that it’s the largest of its kind (2017)!
- Yesterday we spotted the beginnings of the first seagull nest of the season. They have begun to hover overhead when we leave the house and have become much less afraid of us.
- The sea lions have started to venture further onto the island. They wiggle under the fence on the jetty now to make space for more. The stinky days are on the horizon.
- The last remaining pup is not present in the reserve today. We are wondering if she has finally left her birthplace to explore!
- We spotted two wandering tattlers today. We suspect this is what we saw earlier in the week, and not a willet.
- 2 Adult Bald Eagles
- 120 Seagulls
- 63 Harbour Seals
- 23 Sea Lions
- 16 Canadian Geese
- 8 Adult Oystercatchers
- 9 Elephant Seals
- 2 Wandering Tattlers
- We occasionally see a sea lion or elephant seal penis. We’re not sure why.
- Example of erosion caused by geese on Race Rocks
- Incredible clarity over Victoria this week. We wonder if this is partially due to reduced pollution emissions.
- A view of the many scientific instruments on top of the lighthouse, including internet antennae and weather instruments.
- The young seal pup near the generator building.
- Port Angeles on a clear day.
- Olympic Mountain Range over Port Angeles
- Coastal Defence Vessel HMCS Brandon
- Commercial fishing vessel at the mouth of Pedder Bay
- Kayakers heading back to Pedder Bay this morning