Elephant Seal Pup and Visitors


  • Visibility: 15 Miles
  • Wind:  0-5 NE
  • Sky: clear all day today
  • Water: calm


  • Had some visitors come by from Eagle Wing Whale Watching Charters today with Kyle which was really nice


  • 3 female elephant seals on island and one of them is baby which I am very excited about


An Elephant Seal


  • Visibility: 15 Miles
  • Wind:  10-15 SW
  • Sky: cloudy this morning had a bit of fog then cleared up in the afternoon
  • Water: calm


  • Had a few ecotours and personal vessels cruise by today


  • plenty of stubborn sea lions along with one female elephant seal mixed in with them


  • It was nice to see an elephant seal around, I walked around taking a few pictures today
  • The sea lions were very stubborn today, I couldn’t fix the fence by the student house because they would charge me whenever I got close

Lazy Day


  • Visibility: 15 Miles
  • Wind:  10-15 SW
  • Sky: overcast some rain
  • Water: pretty flat throughout the day


  • A few ecotours came by today


  • Definitely more sea lions everyday plus that one female elephant seal that is sticking around


  • Puttered around today, almost have a full water tank again, and enjoyed taking photos of the frequently napping sea lions
  • Now that there is more cloud cover the solar panels aren’t bringing in a lot of energy so I do need to run the generator to run the desalinator

Foggy Day


  • Visibility: 10 Miles sometimes less throughout the day
  • Wind:  10-15 SW sometimes a bit lighter sometimes a bit stronger
  • Sky: Cloudy this morning for a bit and then foggy for awhile, cleared up in the afternoon now you can see some blue sky and sunshine
  • Water: mostly flat a little choppy


  • Had a special visit at 6:30 this morning, the Parliament Secretary to the Prime Minister of Canada and Minister of Youth dropped by for a quick visit


  • Have to update my census, I saw an elephant seal this morning, a young female
  • the unspecified birds in the photo from yesterday are a type of gull that I still have not identified
  • There appears to be more sea lions everyday

Sept 3, 4, 5 and 6th

I am back on Race Rocks and am very happy to be here, I had some log in trouble so this post will be for the past few days.


On the third it was nice and sunny with little breeze, it was so nice I could run the desalinator without the generator. Started getting cloudy the next couple days and this morning the fog horn went off for a few minutes.


I will be doing the census tomorrow but so far the number of sea lions seem to be growing, I have not seen any elephant seals, the harbour seal are right in there with the sea lions and I saw a river otter or two running around last night.


Plenty of whale watchers coming around everyday, a couple sailboats and other than that the DnD seem to be blasting consistently which the sea lions aren’t too happy about.

That sums up my first few days back, I will be doing the census tomorrow and here are a few pictures from the last couple days.