Weather Today:
- Sky intermittently foggy, clear (dark clouds blowing in from W)
- Visibility 10-15 NM
- Wind 25-35 Knots NW
- Sea state: white caps, 2-3 foot chop
No visitors today. A few eco-tourism boats , 1 pleasure craft, and a large group of kayakers in the mid afternoon passed through the reserve.
Yesterday we glanced a humpback whale outside the reserve in the early morning. We have seen far fewer whales inside of the reserve as compared to last year’s fall (none!).
- 1 Elephant seal (GE103)
- 16 Canada geese
- 127 Glaucous-winged gulls
- 633 California gulls
- 3 Savannah sparrows
- 2 Black turnstones
- 1 Black oystercatcher (spotted amongst a group of gulls!)
- 49 Brandt’s cormorants
- 1 Sea otter
- 19 Harbour seals
- 511 California sea lions
- 128 Stellar Sea lions
- Branded california sea lion
- Stormy skies blowing quickly from the W
- Sea lions under the lighthouse