- Visibility: 15+ miles
- Sky: overcast
- Wind: 15-20 kn NW
- Water: Little choppy under 1 foot
- Since I got back on Tuesday there have been approximately 15 boats per day, the number varies a bit each day
- On tuesday and thursday we had visitors from the eagle wing crew come for a tour on Race Rocks. It was so nice for them to be able to come check out what Race Rocks looks like from the land after seeing it from the water so many times
- Greg and Guy are coming by today so we can do a more in depth orientation on the projects and maintenance going on around the island
- After my walk around I noticed a couple interesting things, first there was a young steller, not a baby but he was still nursing.
- Then an elephant seal, which was so nice to see and it had a green tag on it. Unfortunately by the time I got my camera it was already gone.
- There have also been humpbacks nearby lately, the past two days there have been 4. Yesterday when the eagle wing crew was here was saw a fishing boat getting way to close to the whales, the whales were clearly upset and one jumped right out of the water because of it. Luckily we saw one of the whale watching boats from BC tours and got a hold of them and they let us know they had a word with the fishing boat about keeping its distance from the animals.
- The fence still needs to be repaired twice a day but the sea lions are starting to stay away from the entrance to the generator room with regular clearing which will also start happening around the burial cairns between the student house and the helicopter pad. The sea lions have started shifting the stones around a lot and we want to preserve this important historic area.
- Young steller nursing
- little but not a baby
- harbour seal