Notoplana acticola: flatworm– The Race Rocks taxonomy

Notoplana acticola is a polyclad flatworm and it is one of the common polyclads of rocky shores. A specimen may be more than 2cm in length, but the average is about 1cm. We find these occasionally in the mussel beds and under rocks in the lower intertidal.


Some mature Notoplana acticola are sometimes found as hermaphrodites.

Notoplana acticola lives in the upper tide pools and it may be abundant in the lower tide pools as well.

Domain Eukarya
Kingdom animalia
Phylum platyhelminthes
Class turbellaria
Order polycladida
Family otocelid
Genus notoplana
Species  acticola
Common Name:  flatworm
This file is provided as part of a collaborative effort by the students, faculty, staff, and volunteers  of
Lester B. Pearson College

Oct 19, 2003
Aline Celine