Wind: W 2-33 knots
Sea State: calm, up to 0.5m chop in evening
Visibility: 0-15 NM
Sky: clear, fog from 5:20 to 7:00
Temperature: 10-15 °C
Atmospheric CO2: 411.96 ppm (recorded by NOAA at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii)
Today was spent tidying around the island, chainsawing logs and chopping firewood. I gave the gulls and sea lions a wide berth as I moved around the paths.
650 L of diesel was delivered this afternoon.
Here are a few photos from today:
- Lighthouse and stars last night
- A log that washed up in the jetty bay a while ago got chainsawed today. The next step is the axe and splitting stump.
- A california sea lion on the other side of the decommissioned diesel tank.
- The sea lions around the fog horn seem oblivious to the high pitch sound. I was wearing ear protection.
- A foggy rainbow framing the ecoguardian house this evening