Weather Today:
- Sky overcast with rain earlier in the afternoon
- Visibility 10nm
- 25-30 knots NW
- Swells up to 0.75 m, 1 foot chop
Visitors: Over the weekend we had roughly 5 ecotour vessels per day with a couple of pleasure craft daily. Today, a private vessel spent the late afternoon in the reserve supporting divers in the water near the jetty.
- Yesterday we were surprised by a humpback whale just off of the NE side of the rock. We spotted the whale, as well as two ecotour vessels just on the edge of the reserve, shortly after heading outside. It was huge!
- Erica/GE103 seems to have moved along, we haven’t seen her in a few days now.
- More sea lions seem to be hauling out, or maybe it’s just that they’re getting more comfortable! They’ve been very persistent about coming up onto the middle of the island but we’ve been able to keep them away from the burial cairns. It seems as though they are unable to read the no trespassing signs…
- Sea lions hauled out
- One of the three geese present today
- Two turnstones
- Seagulls resting (1)
- (2)
- A full day of fishing calls for some shuteye
- Debating who gets the softest place to nap?
- A handful of geese photographed yesterday
- A beautiful sunset
- 192 cormorants
- 96 harbour seals
- 1 humpback whale
- 1 bald eagle
- 950 california gulls
- 75 glaucus gulls
- 229 stellar sea lions
- 1116 california sea lions
- 3 canada geese
- 26 turnstones
- 1 sea otter