Hot Days

Ecological Notes:

  • The Male Elephant Seal has been spending most of his time in the water near the pier. Its a great way to balance the warmth of the sun and the cooling of the water.

In and out of the shallows all day

  • Definitely a Cetacean day in and around the reserve! Over 8 Humpback whales between Race and Victoria, and then 15 Biggs (Transient) Orca approached from the east. 10 or so entered the reserve and conducted at least 3 separate successful hunts!
  • Most Gulls seem to be dealing well with the heat, but did find a couple chicks, and 2 goslings that didn’t make it through the day unfortunately.


  • 2 Pearson College Instructors were visiting with family.

Noted Vessel Traffic:

  • Several Ecotourism vessels, all waiting as/per the guidelines until there were no whales present in the reserve before entering
  • 2 Paddle boarders, in the main channel, then in the rocks to the north.
  • Several Private vessels passing through, and sightseeing

 Noted Infractions:

  • Paddle boarders at first were doing well, maybe a bit close to the elephant seal at the pier, but they were just out of the current, getting a little break (spoke with them, they misjudged the current levels). But when the Orca entered the reserve, the paddlers went directly to them, getting very close, even during the hunts. They made every effort to follow the Orca even well out of the reserve
  • C-Tow Vessel blasted through center channel, was intercepted by an ecotourism vessel, and told to slow down before I could get the camera out.
  • 3 private vessels entering and exiting the reserve at full speed.

Full speed almost right to the pier ….. eventually slowed as we were waving to them

  • 5 different private fishing vessels fishing in the reserve today. 2 of which were “educated” directly by ecotourism operators.
  • I attempted to contact others by radio, planning to suggest they brush up on the rules in a Rockfish Conservation Area. In each case, they did not respond, but quickly raised lines and left …. suggesting they knew where they were.

Weather Events:

  • Very hot and clear all day. Mostly southerly winds of 5 knots during the day, switching to westerly winds of 15 – 20 knots in the evening.

 ** All wildlife photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **

Weather – Current:

Weather – Past:

Gull Activity

Ecological Notes:

  • Only 2 Elephant Seals left. The largest of the Females, and the Juvenile Male, who is slightly large than the female. Glad(?) to see the last male pup move to the ocean, as he was getting very thin, and looked to be loosing energy. Hopefully He’s off to regain weight and start growing again!

Not too hungry yet, we like it here!

  • The Gulls have nests everywhere, and for the most part are pretty mellow, until an eagle or tern flies over. Every now and then they fly up behind me, but drop quietly if I turn and face them.

Gull Display


  • Shorefront coordinator delivered groceries and supplies yesterday.

Facility Work:

  • Oil and filter changes on the Generator. Service of batteries.

Generator, used only for short periods when there hasn’t been enough Solar power to keep the batteries up.


Noted Vessel Traffic:

  • 3 private vessels, short sightseeing visits.

Weather Events:

  • Westerly winds all day, 20 – 30 knots, rising to 35 – 30 knots late afternoon. Light fog in the morning, sunny and clear all day. Heavy haze in the evening, not quite dense enough to be called fog. Swells up to 2 meters, with 1 meter chop on top of that.


** All photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **


Weather – Current:


Weather – Past:

Nest Building

Ecological Notes:

  • 4 Elephant Seals still in the grass area, including 2 adult females, 1 juvenile male, and the last male pup from this season.
  • This one was napping at the junction of 4 pathways. Normally not a big deal, but right now there are gull nests everywhere!

You can leave the cart and wheelbarrow alone for now.

  • While there are too many Gull nests to count, other pairs are still courting and nest building.

Noted Vessel Traffic:

  • 6 Ecotourism Vessels
  • 4 Private vessels sight seeing

 Noted Infractions:

  • As usual, private vessels coming up to speed while still well within the reserve.

Weather Events:

  • Westerly winds 10-15 knots most of the day, with a shift to southerly winds for 2 hours mid day. Overcast and warm, basically calm seas.


** All photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **


Weather – Current:


Weather – Past:

Nesting Everywhere

Ecological Notes:

  • Looking like just 5 Elephant Seals left in the main area. (although I like to give it a couple days to confirm)
  • This group is now 3 Adult Females, 1 Juvenile Male, and 1 male “pup”. Both males are really gaining strength and I give them an extra wide margin when moving around.
  • 9 Oyster Catcher nests mapped. Lots of Pigeon Guillemots darting in and out of the rock crevices, assuming they are nesting now as wellSo many Glaucous Wing Gull nests it’s hard to keep count. Many of them now have 3 eggs, so they are starting to incubate now.

Hard to not take all the Black Oyster Catcher pictures I can!

Variations in Gull egg colouring

  • Large group of yearling Glaucous Wing Gulls on one of the rocks, looking very much like a different species until their mature plumage comes in.

Facility Work:

  • As mentioned, everything takes longer when the paths and doorways are blocked!

Noted Vessel Traffic:

  • 1 large Government vessel through the main channel, with a small vessel in tow.

 Noted Infractions:

  • The above mentioned vessel went through very close to the pier, at very high speed! Documented and reported to superiors at Pearson College, and they are following up with those involved.

Weather Events:

  • Westerly 10 knot winds most of the day, easing to 3 knots in the evening. Mostly cloudy skies and calm seas.


** All photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **


Weather – Current:


Weather – Past:

Gull Nests

Ecological Notes:

  • 6 Elephant Seals in the main grass area and boat ramp, including a juvenile male (slightly larger than the largest female), and 1 male “pup” from this season. The tagged female”pup” that was in the east bay yesterday, appears to have left the island.
  • The Juvenile male was rather feisty today and bluff charged, even from quite a distance.
  • Glaucous Wing Gull nests are popping up all over! All but 1 that I observed had 1 egg in them, suggesting they were all laid today. Considering there are about 180 Gulls on the island, mostly in clear pairs, there should be a lot of nests soon!
  • This nest is right outside my door, and the birds barely pay attention as I walk by.

Facility Work:

  • “Out with the new, in with the old” …… Wait …….. what?
  • For various reasons, the existing composting toilet system was not performing as expected for the main house. It needed to be removed, and plans are in the works for a new system. In the mean time, a previous Natures Head compact composting toilet has been re-installed in the main house.
  • One advantage of being out here by yourself is that skipping a shower gives you water to clean your favorite viewing windows while you wait for more rain!

Noted Vessel Traffic:

  • 2 private vessels, viewing wildlife

 Noted Infractions:

  • none

Weather Events:

  • Westerly 5 – 10 knot morning winds, shifting to Southerly 5 knot winds mid day. Continued to shift to Northeasterly winds at 5 – 10 knots in the afternoon. Calm seas, sunny with cloudy periods all day, overcast in the evening, hinting at possible showers.


** All photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **


Weather – Current:


Weather – Past:

Tank Prep

Ecological Notes:

  • 8 Elephant seals, not much action today
  • Many sealions have moved to the southern most rocks (due to blasting?)
  • Another Canada Goose nest has eggs hatching, 2 goslings so far

Sat a long time, at distance with a zoom lens, to wait for this shot! (and cropped even more)

  • Nature in action! Gulls steal eggs from nests (in this case, the egg was not viable)

Gulls gotta eat too


  • 2, Greg (Waterfront Coordinator), delivering new tools, repair parts, drinking water, and groceries
  •  Allan Forster, contractor with V.I. Tank Services, to survey water tank and prep for cleaning

Facility Work:

  • Prepping electric fence for set up on the pier
  • Water tank survey, to prep for clean after desalinator servicing

DND events:

  • 4 large Detonations today, (6 yesterday), sealions and birds very reactive

Weather Events:

  • Mid day sun, moderate winds, storm blew in later in the afternoon, bringing some rain and westerly winds of 40-45 knots, gusting up to 50 knots by 1700hrs
  • Brought the flag down early though!


** All photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **



Weather – Current:


Weather – Past:

Baby Geese

Ecological Notes:

  • 8 Elephant seals still on land
  • Sealions quite scattered, many just in the water today (maybe all the blasting?)
  • Gull “nests” being set up all over the place, no eggs yet that I could observe

Gull nesting spot

  • First Canada Goose hatchlings seen

“Follow Mom!”

Enjoying the sun

Facility Work:

  • Not all work has to by major – moved and sorted left over lumber, window cleaning, and fastened down the under deck

DND events:

  • 5 Detonations today, all animals on edge

Noted Vessel Traffic:

  • Outside the reserve, but the Atlantic Raven transited at 12 knots, 2nm south of the Race Rocks Lighthouse.

The Atlantic Raven

Weather Events:

  • Clear skies with slight haze, winds westerly 15-20 knots all day


** All photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **



Weather – Current:


Weather – Past:

Black Oystercatcher

Ecological Notes: Today, a Black Oystercatcher is walking the main island and looking to make a nest. Two breeds of gull on the island including the Glaucous Gull and Western Gull. Pigeon Guillemot are making their nest on the edge of the helicopter pad and north wall below the camera.Spring is here!
Animal Tracking and Injuries: California Sea Lion injured shoulder.
Elephant seal pups: 4
Elephant seal female: 3
Visitors: 1
Facility Work. More cleaning inside and out.
Vessel Traffic:  2 Eco tour boats

August 31 – Weekly Census and Shift Change

Wind: W 2-15 knots
Sea State: calm
Visibility: 5-15 NM
Sky: partly cloudy in early morning, then clear
Temperature: 11-17 °C
Atmospheric CO2: 411.90 ppm (recorded by NOAA at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii)

Census results recorded this morning at low tide for the mammals and throughout the day for the birds:
26 steller sea lions
110 california sea lions
1 sea otter
290 harbour seals
1 Canada goose
7 pelagic cormorants
1,232 california gulls
251 glaucous-winged gulls
98 gull chicks
2 black oystercatchers
7 black turnstones
1 song sparrow

There were a lot of eco tourism boats passing through the ecological reserve today. An outrigger canoeist paddled through the main channel in the mid morning and again in the early afternoon.

Tomorrow is my last day as the Ecoguardian. Mara and Kai are returning for a few months. I have enjoyed being back on this wonderful island for the past 17 days, learning on the edge where the land meets the sea meets sky. Race Rocks is a unique place that couldn’t exist without the work of Pearson students, staff, faculty, alumni and volunteers.

Here are some sights from around the island today:





August 26 – Ring-Necked California Sea Lions

Wind: W 5-28 knots
Sea State: calm in morning, rippled in afternoon
Visibility: 0-10 NM
Sky: clear, fog in morning and evening
Temperature: 10-15 °C
Atmospheric CO2: 412.47 ppm (recorded by NOAA at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii)

Two california sea lions were spotted today with ring-neck wounds. One appears to have fishing line wrapped around and cutting into its skin. The Vancouver Aquarium’s Marine Mammal Rescue Centre has been notified. Rescue Centre staff mentioned they were up in Powell River today successfully disentangling a young steller sea lion.

Here are a few photos from today: