Today’s Weather Conditions:
- Sky overcast
- Visibility 15+ NM
- Wind 0-5 knots SW
- Sea state: calm
Visitors/Marine Traffic:
- Yesterday Greg and Jake came from the college to deliver some equipment
- An influx of boats today. We have been seeing 3-5 whale watching boats everyday. They have been coming very close to the elephant seals when they are in the shallow jetty water and also very close to the kelp patch where “ollie” the sea otter likes to rest. Quite a few pleasure crafts as well, and two kayakers this afternoon who explored the intertidal at low tide.
Ecological Observations:
- The 4 goslings are now over 1 week old. The parent geese seem much more responsible than the previous, and the goslings seem to be doing okay.
- There have been nearly no sea lions in the reserve this week.
- On Friday evening we spotted a sea otter swimming in the kelp around the jetty.
- Two whimbrels stopped in for a visit on Thursday evening
- Whimbrel
- Four goslings staying close to mom
- Our most recently arrived elephant seal soaking up some late day sunshine
- Blowing bubbles!
- Elephant seal molting beginning
- Elephant seal flipper
- Seagulls hovering above, trying to drop feces on us!
- Seagulls panting to regulate temperature
- Only one lone sea lion today