WEATHER: Sky Part Cloudy Vis. 15 Miles Wind West 25 Gust 33 Knots Sea 4 Foot Moderate
posted by Carol or Mike S at 5:09 AM
TEMPERATURE: Max. 16.5 C Min. 10.7 C Reset 14.5 C
MARINE LIFE: One mature bald eagle flew overhead late evening and as usual the gulls drove it off but the birds took 30 minutes or so to settle back down.The Pigeon Guillemots take off to sea when the eagles are around and are quick to dive if the big bird flies near. This morning one of the Elephant seals hauled out on the boat ramp next to the boat house door,it took him a while to find just the right spot, but once he found it he settled in for the rest of the day. The last couple of nights we have heard snorting and bellowing coming from the dock area and it sounds like more than one elephant seal but even with a fairly strong flashlight can’t see well enough to tell for sure.This evening there were 4 female harbour seals with pups in the water by the dock, at high tide it is a fairly sheltered area,away from the swells coming in from the west.
HUMAN INTERACTION: There were 6 pleasure craft, 3 Ecotour boats and 1 boat with 7 or 8 divers.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:07 PM