TEMPERATURE: Max. 20.0 C Min. 10.5 C Reset 12.0 C Rain 0.4 mm
MARINE LIFE: There are 6 females with pups in the east bay area, 4 with red umbilical cords so very new but swimming like pros, they do have some awkwardness while trying to pull themselves up onto the rocks, several tries and they make it to be rewarded with a good feed! The dead pup is still by the boat ramp, the mother has not left it’s side and continues to be very protective.There were three bald eagles this afternoon ( 1 mature ) which managed to land on the southeast rocks in spite of the gulls. The 2 juvenile eagles were fighting over some very bright red matter that looked like seal placenta,the adult raptor watched for about 10 minutes from about 20 metres then made it’s move towards the two juveniles which backed off immediately and surrendered the prize scraps.The gulls were just too bothersome so the big bird took off flying low over the water with the ‘food’ clutched tightly in it’s talons, the gulls did not give up the chase until they were well past North Rocks.
HUMAN INTERACTION: A fairly quiet day considering the water was so calm and a weekend. There were 5 pleasure craft and 9 ecotour boats, 2 dive charters -one that came through at 16:30 full speed and too close, left at about 17:40 again full speed, both times leaving a large wake! Will pass the boat registration number along to fisheries.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:11 PM