Harbour seal antics

Monday, November 26, 2001
Good evening
TEMPERATURE: Max 8.1ºC — 5.0ºC — Reset 7.1ºC — Rain 1.2 mm — total so far this month 122.1 mm rain
MARINE LIFE: A great day -a bonus really when you consider it is now the last week of November. The Sea Lions did what they do best on calm days-catch up on their sleep.Most of the Northern S.L’s hauled out on Middle Rock while the Californias preferred to raft about in the kelp beds East and South of Gr. Race. The 5 Harlequins were back in the east bay and spent the afternoon by the boat dock.2 Mature Bald Eagles arrived about 9:30,one took up position on the high point on West Race and the other maintained look-out on the log on North Rocks.They stayed about 45 minutes then flew off towards Whirl Bay. 4 Harbour Seals enjoyed what I can only describe as the quintessential log rolling competition in the kelp,east side of Gr.Race. 3 seals on the log,3 seals off the log! It was the 4th seal wanting on that log that kept me watching for 35 minutes and yes, that 4th seal finally succeeded,unfortunately success was short lived. The log was caught up in the tide between the South East Rks. and Gr. Race and just twirled too much for the seals to stay on it.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:23 PM
Good morning
WEATHER: Sky clouydy — Vis. 15 miles — Wind calm — Sea rippled
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:29 AM

students webcast

Sunday, November 25, 2001
Good evening
TEMPERATURE: Max 8.1ºC — Min. 5.3ºC — Reset 5.4ºC — Rain 9.8 mm
HUMAN INTERACTION:The 2nd Nature in to the dock a little after 9:00 with the students working on the live web presentation at the R.B.C.M.The sea was much calmer than yesterday but the rain was a definite inconvenience. One charter Dive boat in West Race area from 11:00 until just after 14:00. The students departed approximately 15:30 to return to campus.
MARINE LIFE: There was a group of 3 male and 2 female Harlequin Ducks in the East Bay most of the afternoon.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:08 PM
Good morning
WEATHER: Sky overcast — Vis. 15 miles — Wind west 5 knots — Sea rippled
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:18 AM

Harlequin Ducks return

Wednesday, November 07, 2001

MARINE LIFE: Over 150 Northern Sea Lions were on Middle Rocks in the mid afternoon, another 15 on North Rocks. Harbour seals are scattered in several little pockets an various islands usually no more than 8 in one area. Many of the Californian Sea Lions have moved to the rocky beach just South of the Tower. I also saw for the first time this fall, the flock of 20 Black Oyster Catchers high on the Rocky shore, to the sw of the engine room.
posted by Garry Fletcher at 9:53 PM
WEATHER: The day was part cloudy and windy with max. temp of 9.3 ºC and min. temp. of 7.1 ºC .
MARINE LIFE: Five Harlequin Ducks have arrived back for the winter. We were filming them as they patrolled through the kelp beds around the edge of Great Race Rocks.
PC STUDENTS: Our fourth day at Race Rocks has just ended. Today, we managed to finish off refilling the oil tanks and this should take us until April. Garry came over to deliver the G3 Powerbook for a webcast later this evening.
HUMAN INTERACTION: One boat with eight people passed by Race Rocks.
posted by Michael Kiprop at 6:43 PM