- Wind: 20-25 knots westerly
- Sky: Some early morning fog, partially cloudy
- Visibility: 15 miles
- Water: Rippled
We haven’t had any visitors to the island over the past few days, but the whale watching traffic continues to be steady throughout the day. The concentration of traffic typically lies between 12pm and 8pm.
- The seagull eggs are hatching at full force! There are now too many chicks to keep track. They like to nestle in the taller grasses or nearby rocks to keep out of the wind.
- The large elephant seals are still moulting, and continue to scoot between the centre of the island and the jetty to cool off and relieve their cracking skin.
- The oyster catcher chicks are doing well but they are much more elusive than the other birds.
- A seagull chick venturing out of the nest.
- A newly hatched chick awaiting a sibling.
- An oyster catcher bringing food from the intertidal to its chick waiting in their nest
- Two male elephant seals soaking near the jetty to escape the heat and their cracking, moulting skin.