- Visibility
- Sky clear, a few fluffy clouds
- Wind 5-10 knots SW
- Sea state: calm
Marine Traffic/Visitors:
- Yesterday we saw the HMCS Calgary and HMCS Regina (both Halifax-Class frigate vessels). They passed by in the early evening.
- One or two fishing vessels hanging around the border of the reserve
- Today we found three newly established goose nests. So far they each have 2-3 eggs.
- The young seal pup has officially flown the coop! We haven’t seen her in a few days.
- There are quite a few seagull nests beginning to take form. They are becoming more defensive of their established areas and make quite a ruckus when we walk through.
- We finally caught a photograph of the wandering tattlers that we have been observing!
- Sea lions on outcropping rocks
- Trash gathered around the island: Litter that birds have accidentally ingested, plastics that wash ashore, and old construction materials.
- Goose nest with plastic tape fragments, styrofoam, and other trash collected from the intertidal and other animal activity.
- A new goose nest near the house: One of these things is not like the other!
- This little one is beginning her moult.
- The flag is back: We lowered it during the high winds to prevent plastic material shedding.
- This smoke has been rising since this morning near Port Angeles
- This jumping spider paid us a visit yesterday
- Featherduster tube worm “tubes” at low tide
- The seagull takeover is on the horizon
- Gumboot Chiton spotted in the intertidal
- HMCS Regina
- HMCS Calgary
- We have been seeing this boat every few days.
- Olympic Mountains over the power building
- Pigeon Guillemots perching
- The elephants seals took advantage of the good weather to get a good soak.
- Sometimes they disagree on who should go first…
- Coming back up the hill is a big job…
- …
- ….sometimes a very big job…
- …
- …Sometimes you just have to take it easy!