Last Day!

That week flew by – I am heading home tomorrow and my time spent here was amazing as always! 



  • 1 Private 

Facility Work:

  • Filled generator with diesel
  • Cleaned main house windows 
  • Hauled up logs for firewood 
  • Cleaned house/prepped for next Ecoguardians

High Tides and Logs Galore

Over the past few days I’ve noticed how many logs and driftwood seem to be out in the ocean this time of year. I’ve heard its significantly worse than previous years but thankfully not too much has been accumulating at the jetty (as I’ve been told it can). Until today. 

Yesterday afternoon there were a few small bits of driftwood/logs but nothing out of the ordinary, however the tides and wind must have been combined in all the right (or maybe wrong) ways over night. This morning when I woke up there was enough logs and debris around the jetty to open up my own lumber mill. I’ve never seen anything like it. For the better part of the day the waves have been crashing directly into the jetty making it impossible for any of it to be pushed out. In the afternoon I pulled a few of the reachable logs up to use for future firewood but it barely made a dent in whats there. Hopefully some of it gets pushed out tonight! 

The fur seal has not shown up again, so I guess he was just passing by, although I’m hopeful we’ll see him again one day! Ollie is still around and a few humpbacks are passing by each day. 

I haven’t seen the entangled sea lions today, but the Cali was around yesterday and the Steller the day before. 


  • Ecotourism: 2

Facility Work:

  • Topped up battery electrolytes 
  • Cleaned/organized inside main house 
  • Hauled in logs for firewood 

November 25th Animal Census


  • Harlequin duck                           4
  • Bald eagle adult                         6
  • Bald eagle juvenile                     4
  • Turnstones                                  28 *
  • Killdeer                                       3
  • Gulls                                             226
  • Cormorants                                  283
  • Oyster catcher                             12 *
  • Canadian goose                           27
  • Pacific Wren                                   2

* in addition to the “Regular” birds i saw large flocks  (up to about 70 birds each) of Oyster Catchers ….



  • Steller sea lion                               289
  • Harbour seal                                       23
  • California sea lion                            263
  • Elephant seal female(pregnant)         1
  • Humpback Whales – several around the reserve, occasionally venturing inside
  • Animal Tracking and Injuries:          
    • 1 California Sea Lion identified as “Tuck” disentangled last year at Race Rocks…. still has a large open wound on the back of his neck, but quite well healed compared to the original injury

Storm Season

Ecological Notes:

  • 1 expecting female Elephant Seal … coming and going, still only coming as high as the ramp/ boat shed area
  • Very small female Elephant Seal , green tag number L334 visiting occasionally … very skittish and nervous, especially when the sea lions are moved off the ramp
  • In addition to a few Humpback Whales still in viewing distance, one did a rise only 5 meters off the jetty
  • Removal of dead bird carcasses (mostly gulls)


  • 1 supply drop off by the waterfront team
  • High tides, winds, and swells have prevented the work crews from coming out

Facility Work:

  • Fuel transfers, ensuring extra in the generator room as storms are coming again
  • Topped up battery levels
  • Daily fencing repairs. I got some new ribbon joiners that seem to be working well
  • Combination of high tides and swells has kept the jetty pretty much awash most of the daytime hours
  • Took advantage of rainy squalls to clean windows and solar panels

Noted Vessel Traffic:

  • Although they are less frequent, still some Ecotourism vessels in the park daily

Weather Events:

  • Thursday, November 14:
    • Sky: High cloud, with occasional clear periods
    • Wind: WSW 20 – 25 kts
    • Sea: Swells from the west to 1.5 metres
    • Temperature Low 8oC, High 11oC
  • Friday, November 15:
    • Sky: mostly clear, high cloud and light mist in the distance
    • Wind:  Mostly N 5 kts
    • Sea: overall flat with a slight swell…residual wrap around swell in the pier area is very high though, swamping the entire pier on each swell
    • Temperature Low 1oC (during the early morning N winds), High 8oC
  • Saturday, November 16:
    • Sky: High overcast, full visibility at water level. Light rain starting mid afternoon
    • Wind: ENE rising to 20kts in the early morning, veering to N and 10 – 20kts
    • Sea:  morning, calm with low underlying swell
    • Temperature Low 4oC, High 8oC
  • Sunday, November 17:
    • Sky: Overcast, Heavy morning rain squalls
    • Wind: Westerly night winds, peaking at 40kts… dropping to 15 – 20 kts by morning
    • Sea:  morning, calm with low underlying swell
    • Temperature Low 4oC, High 8oC



** All wildlife photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **


Weather – Current:


Weather – Past:

After storm

Ecological Notes:

  • 1 female Elephant Seal landed, still in the upper ramp area
  • all Birds thinned out, potentially sensing the upcoming storm
  • still finding deceased birds daily
  • working continuously to encourage sea lions to avoid the main ramp area


  • work crews working on the student/science center

Facility Work:

  • daily repair and updating fencing
  • battery fluid top ups
  • fuel transfers from fuel shed to generator building

DND events:

  • flags were up 2 days, but lots of Humpback whales right off the normal blast area …. did not notice any blasts

Noted Vessel Traffic:

  • 4 to 5 Ecotourism vessels a day

 Noted Infractions:

  • overall, very good behaviour

Weather Events:

  • Tuesday, November 05:
    • Sky: overcast with occasional sunny breaks
    • Wind: Variable winds, rotating back and forth from  E to W 5-10 kts
    • Sea: rippled to 2′ chop
    • Temperature Low 8 oC, High 10oC
  • Wednesday, November 06:
    • Sky: high overcast
    • Wind: westerly 15-25 kts
    • Sea:  1 meter waves
    • Temperature Low 8 oC, High 10oC
  • Thursday, November 07:

    • Sky: morning – clear and sunny around the reserve….. low fog/mist in the distance gradually overcast by afternoon
    • Wind: N/NE 8kts shifting to E in the afternoon
    • Sea:  Flat and calm
    • Temperature Low 7oC, High 10oC



Weather – Current:


Weather – Past:

Last Day!

I don’t think my time here has ever flown quite this fast! 

Between visitors, rescue work, whales, and beautiful weather, the past month has gone by in the blink of an eye. It has been incredible and I am forever grateful for the opportunity to be able to work out here. 

I know I’ll be back, but until then – here are a few of my favourite moments from October. 

** All wildlife photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **

Whales and Sunshine

Well, I think the beautiful weather is about to change – with rain warnings all weekend long!!

Today was pretty perfect, nearly no wind and blue, sunny skies. The sea lions didn’t destruct the fence over night (a true miracle) but I’m sure I’ll pay for it tomorrow in the rain.

After getting some work done in the morning I spent the afternoon watching killer whales and humpbacks feeding and bothering each other off the South side of the island!

Pretty perfect day all around.

Sea Lion VS Fence

The never ending battle of sea lions vs electric fence continues!

They behaved themselves overnight with only a couple posts knocked over which in their defence…could have been the wind.

However today was not remotely windy and every time I went outside the fence needed some level of repair. Down by the jetty was jam packed with California sea lions, a few stellers, and even two elephant seals. Throughout the day they continued to rip down lines and tear out the screws, but I managed to keep up with it (or so I thought).

I had just come inside and sat down with a cup of tea when I looked out my window to see a giant steller lounging on the jetty with the electric fence resting on his back….a good indicator that it was grounding out somewhere.

Something tells me the fence isn’t very hot…

Back outside I went and found the source of the problem – a piece of fence so frayed it was hanging on for dear life and it was clear that no current could run through that. I fixed the fence with fresh fencing material and adjusted the other area around the jetty so that nothing was touching the cement.


I plugged the fence back in and crossed my fingers. No one was back on the jetty by the time it got dark so we’ll see how the night goes!

As per usual, whales everywhere today!

Facility Work:

  • Topped up battery electrolytes
  • Repaired electric fence


  • Ecotourism: 7
  • Private: 0


  • Sky: Cloudy
  • Wind: Low of 1 knot, high of 7 knots
  • Sea: Mostly calm
  • Temperature: Low 9•C, High 15•C

** All wildlife photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **

Moody Monday

Not much to report today! Rainy and grey all day with the wind picking up in the afternoon and still going strong as I write this.

The sea lions took a toll on the fence over night as they usually do but it still managed to keep them out, except for one lone Cali who was happy to head back over.

The humpbacks were EVERYWHERE today. Every direction I looked I either saw a breach, a tail slap, or a blow and it certainly made the moody weather a little brighter.

Facility Work:

  • Cleaned solar panels
  • Repaired electric fence


  • Ecotourism: 7
  • Private: 0


  • Sky: Cloudy/rainy
  • Wind: Low of 0 knots, high of 16 knots
  • Sea: Whitecaps
  • Temperature: Low 10•C, High 17•C

** All wildlife photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **

Northern Lights at Race Rocks

Last night’s northern lights were as incredible as I could’ve hoped for! This is the second time now that I have been lucky enough to witness them from Race Rocks.

This morning the sky was still colourful – this time with a beautiful sunrise accompanied by a logging humpback just off the south side of the island. It slept there as I completed my morning fence repairs, surfacing for a big breath every few minutes.

The sea lions had a hay day with the fence over night, and I’m sure there will be just as many repairs needed tomorrow. Good thing I love them anyway!

Both female elephant seals are still here which always makes my day, they aren’t big fans of the sea lions but manage to tolerate them.

Greg brought 3 loads of water over today – topping the fresh water tank up  4000L which means its now full!

I filled the generator up with diesel and we brought the small tank up as well so I won’t have to try and move it on my own any time soon. I spent the afternoon topping up battery electrolytes and rolling fire hoses before moving inside to get some work done.

Another beautiful day out here, sure doesn’t seem like October!

** All wildlife photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **