August 1 Census

Census Results:


  • Elephant seal: 2 (female and male)
  • Steller sea lion: 34
  • California sea lion: 11
  • Sea otter: 1
  • Harbour seal: 78


  • Bald eagle: 1
  • Canada goose: 3
  • Cormorant: 33
  • Gull: 584
  • Black oystercatcher: 20
  • Pigeon guillemot: 131
  • Whimbrel: 1
  • Surfbird: 28
  • Black turnstone: 137
  • Song sparrow: 2
  • Least sandpiper: 1

Facility work:

  • Reacquaint myself with the standard operating procedures and various systems on the island
  • Check boat electronics, safety equipment, and winch
  • Clean solar panels
  • Sample seawater


  •  Ecotourism: 23
  •  Private: 5


  • Sea: Rippled
  • Sky: Clear in morning, then partly cloudy
  • Wind: Variable light winds overnight until sunrise ~06:00, when wind switched to easterlies varying from 3-14 knots throughout the rest of the day
  • Daytime air temperature: low 13 C, high 24 C
  • Seawater temperature at max flood: 10.6 C

** All wildlife photos are taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **

Molting female elephant seal

Wildlife notes:

I felt a bit odd doing it but I photographed the molting elephant seal’s private parts. It is a She, so there may be some variation in the stated molting dates (1, 2) based on sex and maturity, at least at this northern location.

Her bottom end

His bottom end

An opening only he has

A few least sandpipers and a ruddy turnstone were foraging in the vegetation away from the shore. The sandpipers are such small birds. I was surprised to see them darting around in the gale force winds. The high winds didn’t put a damper on the gulls either.  I watched a small seagull chick jump off a rock to escape with its life as a fight ensued above him.

Least sandpiper

Ruddy turnstone

A seagull chick escaping with its life.

Facility work:

  • cleaned solar panels
  • topped up battery fluids
  • cleaned Keeper’s house windows


2 ecotourism, 1 private


Overcast and fog in the morning. Periods of fog throughout the day.  Strong breeze in the morning, gale force in the afternoon, building to 38 knots with gusts of 43 at 19:00. Daytime temperatures: minimum 12, maximum 15 degrees.

July 11 Census


sea otter: 1
elephant seal: 2 (male and female)
harbour seal: 126 (46 South Islands, 6 South Seal Rocks, 18 Middle, 33 Turbine, 21 North Is., 2 Great Race Rock)
humpback whale: 1 (approx. 1 mile to the east)


cormorant: 28
gulls: 628 ( 34 South Islands, 14 South Seal Rocks, 4 Middle, 1 Turbine, 575 Great Race Rock)
oyster catcher: 10 adults, 3 chicks
pigeon guillemot: 86
surfbird: 27
black turnstone: 16
ruddy turnstone: 1
western sandpiper: 1
least sandpiper: 2
harlequin duck: 1
swallow: 1
purple martin: 1

Western sandpiper

Least sandpiper

Ruddy turnstone

Wildlife notes:

The California sea lion with the wounds on his flipper hasn’t been spotted for a few days.  The new black oyster catcher chick hatched on July 5 in the open on the western shore has been moved up higher on the rocks.  The pigeon guillemots are easy company – neither the gulls or the oyster catchers mind them around.

Another little climber. Hatched July 5.

Black oyster catcher chick eating its lunch.

Facility work:

  • cleaned solar panels
  • cleaned Keeper’s House windows


21 ecotourism, 1 private, 1 outrigger canoe paddler


Sunny breezy day. Westerlies strengthening to near gale by early evening. Most of the day 12 to 14 degrees with a high of 17 at 19:00.

Windy Day

It was a windy day – blew the door off the Derrick Shed and the hair off the elephant seal’s head. The electric fence suffered from the winds over the past few days and needed replacement strands in two sections.

Wildlife notes:

The pigeon guillemots were around in the morning and mostly left again by 7pm. I found what I assume to be a pigeon guillemot nest in the rocks at the west end of the helipad.  Judging by the egg orientation, the little bone and other items which get moved around, it seems to be an active nest. Two least sandpipers were spotted on the northeast shore.

Least sandpiper

Facility work:

  • cleaned solar panels
  • replaced 2 sections of electric fence
  • thistles – new record, an 11″ root.
  • topped up battery fluid


10 Ecotourism boats, 1 private


WNW 13 and clouds in the morning, clearing early afternoon with winds building to WNW 33 by late afternoon.