-102, ‘2010-06-02’, ‘Orca’, 2, ‘Two transient orcas were spotted this morning travelling westwards between Great Race and Middle Race. A number of whale watching boats were in pursuit.’, ‘adam’, ’14:45:33 ,
Tag Archives: Orca
Census and orca
Orca: 2
Two transient orcas were spotted this morning travelling westwards between Great Race and Middle Race. A number of whale watching boats were in pursuit.
Elephant Seal: 3
Misery has been hauled up behind the boathouse for several days now, while Bertha is beside the fuel hose container. A small, young elly is NW of the Science House. She has a green tag that reads 4252 in her flipper.
Sad to report our first neck ring sighting this year. A juvenile California sea lion was hauled out with a group of ~9 other sea lions; its neck was constricted and lacerated by a ring of marine garbage. Given the numbers of California sea lions spotted here so far this season, this sighting fits the 1-2% entanglement rate observed here last fall.
-101, ‘2010-06-01’, ‘Orca’, 2, ‘Two transient orcas were spotted last evening swimming west to east through Race Passage, possibly feeding.’, ‘Adam’, ’09:09:20 ,
Transient Orca heading east
Orca: 2
Two transient orcas were spotted last evening swimming west to east through Race Passage, possibly feeding.Human Interaction
There were 3 visitors to the island today.( Ryan Murphy)
Large Orca group go through the reserve
Orca; ‘A large group of orcas came through the reserve today traveling W to E. They all passed between Middle and Great Race and then fanned out once outside the reserve. I recognized the dorsal fin of one bull and assume this is the same group of transients that was here earlier in the month.’, ‘Ryan’, ’08:33:36 ,
Orca through Race Passage
Orca: 3, ‘A group of orcas were followed through Race Passage traveling E to W.’, ‘Ryan’,
Orcas outside
‘Orca’, 10, ‘There is something particularly special about sitting down at the kitchen table and literally hearing the whales outside. I ”ve been on the water before and heard the the heavy exhalations of a whale before spotting it, but to be on land inside a building is something else entirely. The group of 10 or more orcas were traveling N along the E edge of the reserve towards Victoria. There were two adult bulls, one with a very tattered dorsal fin. They were quite active, with some whales doing back flips and swimming upside down, flopping their tails on the surface.’,
‘Ryan’, ’14:31:09 ,
Transient orcas through the reserve.
Orca: 5, ‘The group of transients that has been in the area over the weekend came by the reserve in a near carbon copy of their Sunday route. The large male breached once while in the SE end of the reserve and 2-3 times S of the reserve. The group spent about 20 minutes criss-crossing around SE rocks in apparent feeding behaviour -tail slaps, etc.).’, ‘Ryan’, ’11:45:23 ,
Elephant Seal’, 7, ‘5 females were seen hauled out on Middle Rocks; they ranged from small juveniles to large adults. They join the 2 small females here on Great Race.’, ‘Ryan’, ’16:04:03 ,
Orcas feeding on 2 days
2010-03-27′, ‘Orca’, 4, ‘Transients were seen feeding in Eemdyk Passage’, ‘Ryan’, ’00:12:39 ,
2010-03-28′, ‘Orca’, 5, ‘A group of transients visited the reserve, feeding behaviours were observed.’, ‘Ryan’, ’16:02:14 ,
Two Orca groups
Orca’, 2, ‘2-3 miles E of the reserve traveling south. Had boats from Washington, Vancouver and Victoria in pursuit.’, ‘Ryan’, ’15:11:46 ,
‘Orca’, 8, ‘About 30 minutes after the first group, these whales came through Race Passage and into the N part of the reserve heading E. Moving as two loose groups, I counted 2 males, 4-5 females and 2-3 calves.’, ‘Ryan’, ’15:14:03 ,