Busy weekend

Was quite busy this weekend but things have calmed down a bit now


  • Visibility: 15 Miles
  • Wind: 5-15 SE
  • Sky: Clear
  • Water: Flat


  • The couple who will be taking the summer shift came by today for a little orientation, ran them through some of the chores we do here and will get more training time when we switch mid May
  • beautiful out the last couple days since the wind calmed down, there has been plenty of boats around


  • The solar panels really need to be scrubbed, I will try get that done tomorrow morning before the sun comes up, they are very difficult to clean when the sun is beating down on them


  • 14 elephant seals, the pup is still here
  • very few sea lions, around 100 of them, seems to be an even mix of stellar and californias
  • about 12 geese around and 7 goslings so far
  • a couple hundred pigeon guillemots around today
  • about 6 oystercatchers, they will probably start nesting soon
  • a little group of harlequins around along with about 200 gulls that are starting to build their nests as well
  • there is at least 50 harbour seals on the outer rocks  and that’s about it for a rough census

Still on land


  • Visibility: 15 Miles
  • Wind: 0-15 SE
  • Sky: Overcast
  • Water: Flat


  • Some ecotours out today


  • The desal quit on me a couple of times last night so I’m trying for a longer run tonight


  • The pups still have not gone into the water, haven’t even gone near the jetty, they are both still beside the main house, they have been chewing on the grass a bit
  • the pigeon guillemots are back, looks to be a couple hundred of them
  • still around 100 sea lions, and about 50 harbour seals all together on the surrounding rocks
  • there are about 16 geese which I’m sure are starting to look for good nesting spots, there is also an increase in seagulls, I can tell from how noisy they are



  • Visibility: 15 Miles
  • Wind: 35-45 SW
  • Sky: Overcast
  • Water: Waves at least a metre


  • I have been very busy with courses and training which is why there has been a lack of posts lately but I am finally caught up and will be posting regularly, will walk around and count the animals once it is not storming anymore


  • I have been trying to keep up with the desalinating, the desalinator itself is running very slowly so it has to be run regularly, so I hope it lasts a little longer
  • running the generator to full charge has also been difficult because it takes so long and I run it after sunset but I haven’t lost power lately so that’s good


  • The first pups mother is not around anymore, she left a few days ago but the second pups mother is still here, I imagine she won’t be around for much longer either, the second pup is getting quite large
  • It’s nice when the moms are gone because the pups will start interacting with each other
  • As for the mom who lost her pup, she is still around and I have no idea how long she plans on being around for, she hasn’t really given any attention to the other pups but she is cuddly with the other mom, oddly the mom who killed her pup
  • still looks like there is quite a few sea lions around and a lot of cormorants

Census and haze


  • Visibility: 10 miles
  • Wind: 0-5 knts W
  • Sky: Hazy
  • Water: Ripply

Mammal Notes

  • More sea lions continue to arrive on the island – spotted a few branded ones, but could only make out one number (steller with brand 348R).

Bird Notes

  • The first of the juvenile seagulls have started to fly short distances (5-6 feet at a time). Most are still grounded though.


  • Elephant Seals
    • Male = 1
    • Female = 0
  • Sea Lions
    • California = 32
    • Steller = 38
  • Seagulls = 305 adults + 128 juvenile
  • Pigeon Guillemot = 67
  • Eagles = 0
  • Oystercatchers = 4 adults
  • Harbour Seals = 16 adults, 2 (maybe more) babies
  • Geese = 9
  • Black turnstone = 85

Census, more stellers and fog continues


  • Visibility: 10 miles
  • Wind: 20-25 knts W
  • Sky: Clear
  • Water: Ripply
  • Heavy fog in the morning and evening

Mammal Notes

  • More and more stellers have started arriving on the surrounding rocks. I saw stellers on the southeastern rocks for the first time today.
  • No sign of the malnourished/injured california sea lion for the last 2 days, which leads me to believe that he may have finally passed away
  • Spotted both the seal pups today, and looks like they’re getting pretty big. They’re about half the size of the adults now.

Bird Notes

  • Geese continue to remain on the island after their return from their long absence. Counted 6 today.


Species counts may not be fully accurate – the fog hindered visibility significantly.

  • Elephant Seals
    • Male = 2
    • Female = 1
  • Sea Lions
    • California = 6
    • Steller = 41
  • Seagulls = 382 adults + 150 juvenile
  • Pigeon Guillemot = 88
  • Eagles = 2
  • Oystercatchers = 6 adults
  • Harbour Seals = 18 adults, 2 (maybe more) babies
  • Geese = 6
  • Black turnstone = 81



  • Visibility: 15 miles
  • Wind: 25-30 knts W
  • Sky: Overcast
  • Water: small white caps


  • A few ecotour boats in the area

Marine Mammals

  • All the Elephant seals seemed to be huddled up on the north side of the student residence, possibly to stay out of the wind


  • Elephant Seals
    • Male = 4
    • Female = 0
  • Sea Lions
    • California = 1
    • Steller = 0
  • Seagulls = 200
  • Pigeon Guillemot = 90
  • Eagles = 5
  • Oystercatchers = 9
  • Harbour Seals = 65
  • Geese = 2

Fighting Males and Surviving Pups


  • Visibility: 15 Miles
  • Wind: 5-10 N/NE, picked up to 20-30 knots overnight
  • Sky: cloudy with light snowfall and fog
  • Water: large rolling swells throughout the day


  • Didn’t notice any ecotour boats or divers around today
  • No visitors


  • Woke up at 4:30 am to the sound of the elephant seal pups being attacked by a big male elephant seal. Pretty sure it was Bernard, their father, but hard to tell. Was surprised to find both pups seemingly unharmed and sleeping peacefully in the morning when I got up.
  • One of the younger, smaller males took the opportunity to try to mate with one pup while two of the bigger males were fighting, but luckily she got away from him after a few minutes of panic. Very difficult to watch I must say. These males are all fired up from the mating season and most don’t get a chance to mate, especially if they are smaller in size.
  • Saw about 10-20 Pigeon Guillemots chasing each other and diving into the water.

Guillemots are back

I just received this email from Pam Birley ” The Pigeon Guillemots are back !   They are even earlier this year.   It is usually February when I first see them.”     Thanks Pam for the observation from Leiscester England! Laas has also been out getting pictures of them.


It is also interesting to note that the elephant seal pup is doing very well this year. As Ecoguardian Laas Parnell has noted the one large male tends to keep the others on the island at bay. Hopefully this year the pup can survive once the mother leaves and it becomes a weaner. In most of the past years since pups first started being born on the island, aggressive males have led to a tragic end. I have requested BC Parks and DFO to produce a policy on what support can be offered in the event a pup is injured in the crucial period before it goes to the ocean after its month long weaning period. So far this has not been acted upon, so again this year it will be left up to chance, and hopefully the so-far protective bull will remain that way. The following pictures are from Camera1 at the top of the tower on Race Rocks.

Census Day


  • Visibility: 15 Miles
  • Wind:  20-15 NW
  • Sky: overcast
  • Water: calm


  • A few ecotours today


  • 11 elephant seals scattered around today, mostly around the jetty to cool off in the water


  • Stellar Sea Lions: 33
  • California Sea Lions: 23
  • Elephant Seals: 11
  • Harbour Seals: 161
  • Unspecified Gulls: 212
  • Pigeon Guillemots: 53
  • Cormorants: 12
  • Canada Geese: 19
  • Oystercatchers: 8
  • Harlequinn Ducks: 0
  • Crows: 1


  • The harbour seal numbers have significantly increased but all of the other numbers seem to have gone down
  • The little elephant seal is back, I haven’t seen her for a few days

Census Day, Thursday, May 25th


  • Visibility: 15 Miles
  • Wind:  0-5 NW
  • Sky: clear and sunny
  • Water: calm


  • Many different boats around today


  • 14 elephant seals scattered around today, mostly around the jetty to cool off in the water


  • DND blasting continues


  • Stellar Sea Lions: 42
  • California Sea Lions: 44
  • Elephant Seals: 14
  • Harbour Seals: 36
  • Unspecified Gulls: 321
  • Pigeon Guillemots: 120
  • Cormorants: 23
  • Canada Geese: 16
  • Oystercatchers: 8
  • Harlequinn Ducks: 5 males (that I could see)


  • I have not seen any eagles today but I saw them yesterday and they have been hanging around so I am guessing they are around here somewhere
  • There is another Elephant seal
  • An increase in sea lions as well as gulls