Comparison of screen captures from the remote camera over the past 2 days shows that the pup must be nursing well as his wrinkled skin is gradually becoming filled in. The mother will lose up to 40% of her weight while nursing. She will stay with the pup, not returning to the water for several weeks. At that time the pup will have increased in weight and have the adequate fat storage to last it several weeks before it goes to the water on its own and starts to feed.
Tag Archives: pup
Bertha the Elephant Seal’s Rear Flippers
Video: Elephant seal pup born on Vancouver island is an online star : Global TV
(Global TV toured the waters of Race Rocks and did an Interview with the Ecological Reserve Warden Garry Fletcher on January15: Click on the image to see the article .
An elephant seal pup is getting used to the watchful eye of the Internet.
Its every move is being broadcast by a webcam to people watching around the world.
It was born in the early morning hours of January 14 at Race Rocks Ecological Reserve in the Strait of Juan de Fuca just off the southern tip of Vancouver island.
The reserve says this is the fifth pup born to a female called Bertha since January 2009.
Race Rocks is the only place in Canada where elephant seals breed and while other baby seals have been born on the reserve’s other islands, they’ve been washed out to sea by the waves.
Elephant seals were hunted to near-extinction in the 19th century, but are now protected under the Fisheries Act.
Elephant seals more durable than internet networks
I checked on the pup briefly this morning (so far unnamed as we will wait for a while to make sure he has a good chance of survival.) I said “he” because Alex thinks it is probably a male because of a tell-tale opening midway from umbilical to tail.
This picture taken at 11:15 AM from camera 1 shows all is well and the male Chunk (top) is not bothering the pup or the female.
Hopefully you can take advantage of the documentation we have on the website of our observations of elephant seals at Race Rocks Ecological reserve.……more tomorrow…..
Elephant seal Pup at Race Rocks Jan 15, 2014
These are images taken yesterday of the new elephant seal pup at Race Rocks . (by resident Ecoguardian Alex Fletcher). The pup has been nursing regularly and the male “Chunk” is not bothering it so far.
The students of the Marine Science classes from Lester Pearson College were able to get out to Race Rocks to observe the new arrival first hand from a safe distance.
Arrival of elephant seal pup watched around the world: Times Colonist
Arrival of elephant seal pup watched around the world
Sandra McCulloch / Times Colonist
January 14, 2014 09:15 P
An elephant seal pup is nursing at its mother’s side at Race Rocks Ecological Reserve, oblivious to the fact a camera is sending its image around the world.
The pup was born Monday evening — the first birth of an elephant seal this year on the main island, said Garry Fletcher, educational director for the reserve’s website.
Another elephant seal was born last week on one of the smaller islands but rough weather washed it into the sea where it perished.
“All the ones that are born on the outer islands get washed off,” Fletcher said Tuesday. “This one is from a mother that’s had young ones there four or five times before.”
Race Rocks is the only spot in Canada where elephant seals breed, Fletcher said. Normally, elephant seals choose breeding colonies in Oregon or northern California.
There are usually a few elephant seals hanging out at Race Rocks throughout the year, Fletcher said. Last June, a record high of 15 elephant seals were counted on the reef.
Elephant seals are far out-numbered at Race Rocks by their cousins, California sea lions and northern sea lions. Males can grow to four metres in length and weigh 2.3 tonnes, more than a average car, and are often twice as big as male California sea lions.
Harbour seals, which are smaller and much more commonly seen along the coast, also use Race Rocks to breed.
The numbers of elephant sea lions are rebounding after being hunted to near extinction by the end of the 19th century. Elephant seals are now protected under the Fisheries Act.
To see live images of the baby elephant seal, go to the Race Rocks website.
© Copyright Times Colonist
Other Media in which the story is covered:
- Metro news: Jan 15/2014 Photos: Elephant seal pup born off Vancouver Island,
- The Vancouver Sun: Jan15/2014 Arrival of elephant seal pup on Vancouver Island watched around the world.
- Global BC: PHOTO GALLERY: Elephant seal pup born on Vancouver island is an online star
- The Province: Sun Jan 15 2014, Cameras let world watch adorable elephant seal pup on B.C. island
- The Huffington Post B.C. | Posted: 01/16/2014 5:41 pm EST | Updated: 01/16/2014 5:41 pm EST Elephant Seal Pup Born In Victoria Is An Internet Star (PHOTOS)
- The Star Phoenix ,January 17, 2014
Elephant seal pup born at B.C. ecological reserve
CBCQuirks: Arrival of elephant seal pup .
The Leader Post (Regina) Elephant seal born at Island reserve
Elephant Seal Pup Born at Race Rocks,
Last night Bertha had her pup, we have a preliminary account on the Ecological Reserves website here:
Elephant Seal Pup born at Race Rocks Ecological Reserve January 14,
Elephant seal pup born on Middle Rocks
Rain, wind N 10-15 NMPH
Chunk started going after Bertha around noon and was definitely trying to mate but without any luck. He also seemed interested in something towards the West and was sniffing the air and poking his head up. When i went outside to check on things I could hear the distinct sound of an elephant seal pup calling its mother. Chunk and I both went over to the west side of the island to get a better look. I could see two females on the rock and several eagles and seagulls around hoping to get some leftovers from the birth. I could just make our the dark head of a pup poking up occasionally from behind a rock. Chunk left the island and by dusk I could see him on Middle rock near the mother and pup. Bertha is back by the science centre getting some peace and rest.
Mirounga angustirostris: Taxonomy and Image Index File
4 videos of the elephant seal birth in 2016
Announcement in the Log – Ecological reserves –Update on Elephant seals Birth of this years elephant seal pup occurred as scheduled on January 14, 2016, same date as 2014.
The Jan 2015 pup was stillborn.
The posts for the follow-up of this pup are at
All posts on elephant seals at Race Rocks from the website. All posts on elephant seal births at Race Rocks
Last week of May’s Photos
These are some of the more interesting photos the last week. I was able to lend a hand to the International Boundary Commission technician who set up a GPS unit on the top of the tower in order to accurately determine the location of the US/Canada border.. to with in 4 decimal places! Why? Because we can!
The Guillemots are starting to nest along with the Glaucous-winged Gulls
This little female found a nice spot to spend a few days….
Stunning sunset…
A parade of sailing vessels…
Lots of jousting from these young males