Wind: yesterday 8-22 knots from E to N, today 4-17 knots from N in am and E to S in pm
Sea State: yesterday up to 1 m chop, today rippled
Visibility: both days 15 NM
Sky: both days clear
Temperature: yesterday 4-8 °C, today 5-9 °C
Atmospheric CO2: 413.53 ppm (recorded by NOAA at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii)
The past two days have been clear. That’s four bluebird days in a row. The sunrises and sunsets have cast everything in a golden light. The views have been incredible of the snowy mountains in Washington State.
There hasn’t been much new activity with birds or mammals. One of the male elephant seals has joined the sea lion cuddle puddle near the crane.
Yesterday evening, a pod of orcas were swimming a few kilometres to the northeast. They appeared to be heading northeast, in the direction of Victoria. It could be the same pod from the previous evening.
There were nine visitors to the island yesterday. Five Pearson faculty and staff came in the morning to tour the island and discuss learning opportunities for Pearson students on Race Rocks. Alex, Ric and his friend came to do an upgrade to the electrical system controls.
The military’s demolition training on Bentinck Island concluded this morning.
Today, three tour boats were in the ecological reserve. Yesterday, there were two tour boats and two members of the navy in a small rigid hull inflatable.
UPDATED February 26: photos have been added now that the website is fixed.
- Before sunrise at 7:02 on February 20
- Chitons, anemones, barnacles and rock weed at low tide in the rocks near the jetty.
- The two female elephant seal pups are hanging out by the basement door to the house.
- A view of all the top of the tower, showing the weather and communications equipment.
- Two navy sailors did a loop around Race Rocks in a rigid hull inflatable boat, coming close to the islands.
- One of the adult male elephant seals napping with eight california sea lions.
- It was so clear that Mount Baker could be seen to the east. It’s glowing pink in the setting sun.
- Looking south at sunset towards the Olympic Mountains. California and steller sea lions are in the foreground. On South Seal Rocks, gulls are finding food on the rocks at low tide.