marine ecology educational resource, remote-control webcams,elephant seal colony,Sea lion haulout,sustainable energy, solar energy
- Visibility: 15 miles
- Wind: 0-5 knots South.
- From 17:00 onwards, 15-20 knots West.
- Sky: clear and sunny most of the day.
- From 17:00 onwards, some clouds and rain.
- Water: calm
- Census day!
- One sea lion was branded U958.
- Colour wise it looks like a Steller, but if you look at the head I think it was a California.
- Laura and her class found a sculpin (type of fish) head.
- Four of what I suspect to be Short-billed Dowitchers today. Fun to watch!
- Didn’t see the killdeer today, which is unusual.
- Steller (Northern) Sea Lions: 66
- Harbour Seals: 60
- California Sea Lions: 57
- Elephant Seals: 13 (4 on Great Race, 9 on Middle Rock)
- Pigeon Guillemots: 269
- Seagulls unspecified: 154
- Surfbirds: 57
- Canada Geese: 17
- Black Turnstones: 17
- Cormorants unspecified: 14
- Harlequin Ducks: 9 (5 males and 4 females)
- Black Oystercatchers: 6
- Savannah Sparrows: 6
- Short-billed Dowitchers: 4..
- Bald Eagles: 2 (2 adults, 0 immature)
- A couple of eco-tours came by.
- Second Nature came out multiple times, delivering 4 groups of students.
- On her second last return, she had overheating issues, so Kyle had to come out in Haiku for the last trip.
- Kyle, James, Laura, and 26 students came out to Race Rocks today.
- The students were doing a walk about with Laura, discussing marine biology for their upcoming final exam.
- James did some work on the Davis Weather station and got most of it working again.
- Four DND blasts today.
- 10:05, 10:07, 11:24, and 11:26.

- Visibility: 15 miles
- Wind: 0-5 knots East
- Sky: overcast with showers
- Water: 1′ chop
- Saw one California Sea Lion with a nasty looking neck wound.
- Conducted a census today.
- Several bird species notably absent today.
- No Harlequin Ducks, Savannah Sparrows, or Black Oystercatchers.
- The Sparrows have been absent all week; I suspect gone for the winter.
- I’m sure the Harlequins and Oystercatchers are still around.
- Only saw two Heermann’s Gulls; I think last weeks group was just passing through.
- I did see my first Dunlin of the season though!
- And lots more Black Turnstones than in previous weeks.
- They like to splash around in the rain puddles.
- California Sea Lions: 606
- Northern (Steller) Sea Lions: 181
- Harbour Seals: 12
- Elephant Seals: 7 (2 on Great Race, 5 on Middle Rock)
- Seagulls unspecified: 586
- Thayer’s Gulls: 114
- Glaucous-winged Gulls: 76
- Heermann’s Gulls: 2
- Cormorants unspecified: 356
- Black Turnstone: 33
- Canada Geese: 3
- Bald Eagles: 3 (2 adult, 1 immature)
- Dunlin: 1
Neck Wound
2 Eagles, 5 Harbour Seals
- The usual chores.
- Reset the electric fence which has been faring unusually well.
- A surprising number of eco-tours today, given the weather, day of the week, and month.
- I counted at least 10.