Wind: W 16-37 knots
Sea State: calm in morning, up to 1m waves in afternoon and evening
Visibility: 0-15 NM
Sky: fog in morning and evening, clear in middle of day
Temperature: 11-16 °C
Atmospheric CO2: 411.60 ppm (recorded by NOAA at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii)
There were two visitors mid afternoon from Pearson College to drop off supplies.
Here are some sights from around the island today:
- Bull kelp
- Black oystercatcher
- Harbour seal in the east bay
- A ring-necked california sea lion that was also spotted two days ago.
- A california sea lion on the western point of the ecological reserve. Beechey Head, in East Sooke Park, can be seen in the background.
- Part of a fishing lure that was brought up onto the rocks by a bird.
- Sea lions appear to be taking shelter from the strong west wind.