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Visibility: 15 Miles
Wind: 12-16 NE throughout the day
Sky: sunny, very few clouds
Water: mostly calm, a bit choppy
Had one large eco tour boat full of passengers sneak up on me and yell “Hello” as a group. That was fun (:
lots of large shipping vessels passing by including two huge logging barges
still a decent amount of sea lions around
there is another, smaller harbour seal pup hanging out now too
Bernard (the elephant seal) is back!
haven’t seen any canadian geese in a few days
had more large DND blasts go off from Rocky Point that shook the house and startled birds today.
Posted in Bird Notes , Ecoguardians Log , Ecology , Marine Vessels , Military Activity , Vessel Observations , weather notes
Tagged Canada geese , DND blasting , ecotour , elephant seal , harbour seal , sea lion
Visibility: Started off at 10 miles but closed in to the point the fog horn was going off for a good part of the morning and then a sunny break this afternoon and back to pretty cloudy now
Wind: 10-15 W this morning picked up to above 30, same direction
Sky: pretty cloudy with a little break in the afternoon
Water: pretty flat but the current is very visible and moving
plenty of sea lions, not really seeing elephant seals, also there was about 26 of these birds I will post a picture of but I wasn’t what bird it was, will look into it.
Stellar Sea Lions: 176
California Sea Lions: 153
Elephant Seals: 0
Harbour Seals: 24
Unspecified Gulls: 212
Pigeon Guillemots: 0
Cormorants: 18
Canada Geese: 8
Oystercatchers: 8
Harlequinn Ducks: 0
Crows: 0
Unspecified bird: 26
Have not spotted the river otters again
Sea lions refused to budge when I went to get the water sample, I gave up and found a way around the one that would not move
They somehow dragged a ladder down the jetty so I had a tough time retrieving that because the ladder was attached to a rope that got wrapped around a rock, I managed to bring it up behind the boat shed, also the boat shed door looks to be in pretty rough shape the sea lions are always piled up against it
Posted in Animal census , Bird Notes , Ecoguardians Log , Mammal Notes , Marine Vessels , Species , weather notes
Tagged california , cormorants , gulls , harbourseals , maintenance , oystercatchers , sea lion , stellar , weather
Visibility: 15 Miles
Wind: 20-15 NW
Sky: overcast
Water: calm
11 elephant seals scattered around today, mostly around the jetty to cool off in the water
Stellar Sea Lions: 33
California Sea Lions: 23
Elephant Seals: 11
Harbour Seals: 161
Unspecified Gulls: 212
Pigeon Guillemots: 53
Cormorants: 12
Canada Geese: 19
Oystercatchers: 8
Harlequinn Ducks: 0
Crows: 1
The harbour seal numbers have significantly increased but all of the other numbers seem to have gone down
The little elephant seal is back, I haven’t seen her for a few days
Posted in Animal census , Bird Notes , Ecoguardians Log , Mammal Notes , Marine Vessels , weather notes
Tagged Black Oystercatcher , california sea lion , Canada geese , census , cormorant , crow , elephant seal , gull , harbour seal , pigeon guillemot , sea lion , Steller Sea lion
Visibility: 0 Miles
Wind: 25-30 SW
Sky: Completely foggy from 1am until 7:30pm
Water: choppy, not too big
A few ecotours came by today despite the fog
12 elephant seals scattered around, mostly in the front of the house
Posted in Bird Notes , Ecoguardians Log , Energy , Facility work , Fed Govt. work , Island Visitors , Mammal Notes , Marine Vessels , Overflights
Tagged california sea lion , coast guard , coast guard helicopter , elephant seal , savannah sparrow , sea lion , Second Nature , Steller Sea lion , weaner
Visibility: 15 miles
Wind: 5-10 knots North West
Sky: clear and sunny all day
Water: calm
Two e-seals on Great Race.
Two e-seals
Crow & goose
Easter bouquet
Sea lions & eagles
Ran the desalinator.
Did some goose work.
A few boats wandered by.
The Mahimahi, a US container ship departed from Seattle, was especially noisy as it passed by.
The 8am weather report.
Visibility: 15 miles
Wind: 1 knot West, slowly rising all day until 20-25 k W after 21:00
Sky: overcast
Water: calm
Still the same 3 male elephant seals on Great Race.
The two larger ones returned from the water in the morning.
The weaner is still over by the base of the tower.
The spotted harbour seal returned to play near the jetty.
I collected up several muddy shingles from the middle part of the island.
Removed one large log from the ramp.
About 5 eco-tours came by today.
Visibility: 15 miles
Wind: 0-10 knots NW
Sky: mix of blue and clouds
Water: calm
A gaggle of 19 Canada Geese arrived on Great Race today.
The birds and sea lions weren’t too pleased with all the DND blasting.
The usual chores.
Took some ash out of the wood stove.
Kyle came by in Second Nature to pick up Natasha.
A couple of eco-tours came by.
Lots of DND blasting today.
Small, medium, and large blasts.
10:59, 11:16, 11:18, 12:01, 12:04, 12:51, 1:07.
Visibility: 15 miles
Wind: 10-15 knots N, later down to 5-10 N
Sky: overcast, then a rather sunny afternoon.
Water: 1′ waves, 3′ swell on the rocks
A rather large sea lion encroachment today.
I think the powerful swell against the rocks was driving them inland.
5 elephant seals on Great Race.
One of them spent the day lying in the mud on the NE part of the island.
The sea lion encroachment caused major fence discombobulation.
Spent 1 hour resetting the fence.
The usual chores as well.
A few eco-tours came by today.
A float plane flew over Great Race just after 15:00.
Visibility: 15 miles
Wind: 10-15 knots NE
Sky: overcast
Water: calm
Visibility: 10 miles (fog to the South and West)
Wind: 10-15 knots NE
Sky: sunny
Water: 1′ chop
Nice sunset!
Saw 6 Harlequin Ducks today!
Ran the desalinator during the afternoon.
Stacked some firewood.
Cleaned the solar panels.
The usual chores.
Didn’t see many boats today despite the nice weather.
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