marine ecology educational resource, remote-control webcams,elephant seal colony,Sea lion haulout,sustainable energy, solar energy
- Visibility: 15 Miles
- Wind: 20-30 W
- Sky: cloudy throughout the day
- Water: a bit choppy, no more than a metre
- Some ecotours braved the winds and came by
- plenty of sea lions around they are coming up more to the middle island, which can be a problem, the elephant seals are up here too
- Ran the generator for a few hours today, had a little power outage last night and can’t have that happen again
- Everything else is going alright here, hopefully have the new generator up and running next week
- Visibility: 10 Miles
- Wind: 20-30 NW
- Sky: cloudy and rainy
- Water: choppy no more than a 1 metre tall waves
- some ecotours braved the wind and rain and came by
- saw and eagle today for the first time in a while
- So happy it is finally raining, makes it easier to pressure wash and clean the solar panels
- Visibility: 15 Miles
- Wind: 0-5 SE
- Sky: clear all day
- Water: calm
- the 3 elephant seals are still around
- I have been getting beautiful sunsets every night but I am wishing for rain
- Visibility: 15 Miles
- Wind: 0-5 NE
- Sky: clear all day today
- Water: calm
- Had some visitors come by from Eagle Wing Whale Watching Charters today with Kyle which was really nice
- 3 female elephant seals on island and one of them is baby which I am very excited about
- Visibility: 15 Miles
- Wind: 10-15 SW
- Sky: cloudy this morning, cleared up in the afternoon
- Water: calm
- plenty of sea lions around and we now have 2 female elephant seals
- Sunny again today, was hoping for more rain but maybe sometime soon
- Visibility: 15 Miles
- Wind: 10-15 SW
- Sky: cloudy this morning had a bit of fog then cleared up in the afternoon
- Water: calm
- Had a few ecotours and personal vessels cruise by today
- plenty of stubborn sea lions along with one female elephant seal mixed in with them
- It was nice to see an elephant seal around, I walked around taking a few pictures today
- The sea lions were very stubborn today, I couldn’t fix the fence by the student house because they would charge me whenever I got close
- Visibility:15 Miles
- Wind: 20-30 NW today
- Sky: cloudy today with bits of sunshine
- Water: choppy at least a metre at one point
- Some ecotours braved the ind and came around today
- plenty of sea lions around and a bird I have not identified yet but included photos
- Very windy today and even a little bit rain but not as much as we would’ve liked
- Visibility: 15 Miles
- Wind: 0-15 SE
- Sky: cloudy this morning, cleared up in the afternoon
- Water: calm
- Had some visitors come out for a sunset cruise, my coworkers had to drop off another spot checker for me
- plenty of sea lions around and it almost seems like there is more birds too, census tomorrow
- DnD was blasting again today
- Having some issues with spot checker, hopefully this other one works well
- Here are some pictures of the beautiful sunset tonight and lastnight
- and a photo of a sea lion who looked like there was something wrong with his hind flipper
- Visibility: 10 Miles this morning cleared up to 15 in the afternoon
- Wind: 0-5 SE throughout the day
- Sky: overcast this morning, clear skies in the afternoon
- Water: calm all day
- plenty of sea lions around
- having a hard time with the fence between the generator room and the guest house, the sea lions tear it down every couple hours
- Also I have not seen the sea lion around that recently had the garbage removed from around its neck, I’ve been looking around for him
- We could use some rain though, it would be easier to pressure wash around here if it rained first
- Visibility: 0-15 Miles throughout the day
- Wind: 0-10 SW throughout the day
- Sky: foggy morning only until about 9ish then it cleared up but still overcast
- Water: calm
- Had Garry Fletcher come for a visit along with a year 4 Pearson alumni and another friend.
- some ecotours came by today too
- plenty of sea lions around
- Guy showed me how to use the pressure washer so hopefully get a few of this buildings looking nicer on the outside