Pelicans and Owls and Misery!

It is mid-November isn’t it? So why did 9 pelicans just fly by the window? And yesterday a Snowy Owl showed up for the night. Is there something going on with the weather or climate that is encouraging this? We live in interesting times… and speaking of interesting, Misery returned the day before yesterday. I noticed him down at the boat-ramp and we had a little chat! I felt he recognized me! Later he lumbered up onto the lawn looking very fat and sleek, well-prepared for his 2-3 month fast ahead while he stakes his territory, fights off potential challengers, and “courts” any females that might around.

Snowy Owl

Snowy Owl


Lastly the other day I heard a commotion in the kitchen and upon investigation I discovered a bird in the oven vent. I removed the cowling and this European Starling appeared and flew around the house for a while. Starlings are a species introduced from Europe (Sturnus vulgaris)in 1890. About 60 were released into New York’s Central Park in an effort to introduce every bird species mentioned in the works of William Shakespeare. By 1945 they were appearing in the Pacific Northwest. About 200 million are thought to exist in North America presently.

European Starling – Good owl food?




Saturday, March 30, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 9.0 C  Min. 6.3 C  Reset 7.7 C
MARINE LIFE: only 1 mature Bald Eagle today. Still the pair of geese-will miss them when they leave.This morning they spent several hours by the garden area along the walkway watching the starlings flying nesting material into the air vent hole in the dessaliation plant building. The starlings raised 2 ‘clutches’ last year and it looks like we will again be able to enjoy the antics of the young learning to fly and then hunt for food. The Marine mammals are interesting and certainly impressive by their size but I find bird behavior fascinating.Here we are lucky to observe the full range of activity – courtship, nest building ,egg laying etc. and watching the way they will band together to drive away an eagle or other danger. Individual birds have personalities, some are very aggressive and always on the alert, then others much slower to take action.There are a few gulls already making attempts at getting a nest together but for most of them nest building is a few weeks off yet. The small elephant seal is still on the boat ramp – doesn’t look like we will be using the boat for a while!
HUMAN INTERACTION: 3 ecotour boats, 1 Pleasure craft, 1 College boat- brought some students over to spend the night(filming project)
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:02 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Cloudy  Vis. 15 Miles Wind West 17 Knots  Sea 1 Foot Chop
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:07 AM


at 1405 Spring Tide tour boat came through the reserve. There are a large group of gulls,  and cormorants, as well as a flock of 60+ European starlings around the reserve today. The 16 oyster catchers are still in the East Bay area. Three elephant seals are hauled out on the South Shore by the engine room for some part of each day.