Last Day!

That week flew by – I am heading home tomorrow and my time spent here was amazing as always! 



  • 1 Private 

Facility Work:

  • Filled generator with diesel
  • Cleaned main house windows 
  • Hauled up logs for firewood 
  • Cleaned house/prepped for next Ecoguardians

Saturday Update

Today’s weather has been significantly better than yesterday although its still grey and quite cold. The logs at the jetty are slowly breaking up a bit but there are still a ton down there. I did manage to drag in a couple more for firewood while the tide was low. 

There have been 20-30 eagles here lately which is pretty neat to watch, but still no elephant seals! 

The little entangled Cali is sticking around which makes me hopeful we’ll be able to to help her. I also spotted a juvenile Steller on the jetty today with a large fish hook and lure in his lip. A hooked lip is far better than him having swallowed the hook but its still not great. I expect that it’ll get stepped on or ripped out before we can do anything for him but I’ll keep an eye on it regardless. The young Stellers LOVE to play with anything they find, I’ve been watching them carry sticks around and chunks of fish, and unfortunately some plastic debris as well. They’re like curious little toddlers and I love watching them play – I’d just prefer it not be with garbage! 

Nothing too wild going on today! Chopped some wood, and got a few tasks done inside. No vessels in the area today, everyone seems to be laying low. 

Stormy and Cold

Not much of an update today. Woke up to strong winds and sideways rain that I’m surprised didn’t turn to snow with how cold it felt. Definitely a stay inside kinda day! 

The entangled Cali is still here, hopefully it sticks around until we have calmer weather to organize a rescue. 

One thing I have noticed thats changed since October is how many more Steller sea lions appear to be here as opposed to California sea lions. There are also a lot more young/juvenile Stellers than the fall as well, super interesting and I wonder if Race Rocks will ever become a rookery?

Very young Steller resting on a California sea lion

Slightly older juvenile Steller

Back Again!

Hello again!

What better way to ring in 2025 than to spend it here on the rock? I’m only here for a week, bridging the gap between two other Ecoguardians but I’ll take any time out here that I can get!

I arrived around noon and the tide was so high it was nearly over the jetty which I’ve never seen before (secretly hoping for a good storm this week). Spent the afternoon settling back in and spent a fair bit of time outside in the afternoon and exploring whats changed in the past couple of months.

Certainly less sea lions but still more than I was expecting, no elephant seals (yet), and all the humpbacks seem to have gone off to warmer waters – I don’t blame them, it is freezing out here.

I did get a lovely welcome home pass by from transient killer whale T49C Neilson who is one of my favourites around here!

Looking forward to finding more creatures this week!

Clear skies

Ecological Notes:

  • The Elephant Seals, the expecting female and the young female, left the ramp area and haven’t returned …. hoping they’re just off having a good feed and not looking at another haul out spot.
  • In the past, most of the Steller Sea Lions have moved to the outer rocks, leaving the main rock to the California Sea Lions… but this season there are many more Stellers remaining on the main rock, even some have ventured onto the pier


  • Parcel and supply delivery by the waterfront team

Facility Work:

  • got some of the deck algae sprayed down during the nicer weather…. until the sprayers broke!

  • Finally got some good logs in, shortened at the holding area, and moved up to the bucking area
  • Weekly Battery maintenance
  • Monthly Equalization charge to the Batteries
  • Month end reports and posting
  • The waterfront team brought out, and prepped a new door for the battery room, appears to now also need a new door frame

DND events:

  • regular blasting, a few times a day for the last week, no noted reaction from the wildlife.

Noted Vessel Traffic:

  • In addition to a few eco-tourism vessels, there have been a few private vessels visiting the reserve, all with good behaviour


Weather Events:

The last week has been primarily N NE winds, leading to mostly clear skies and dry weather. Seas have had light chop, slight fog daily on the shoreline away from the reserve.

  • Thursday, December 05:
    • Sky: High overcast, fog on the southern strait
    • Wind: NE winds 10-15 kts
    • Sea:  light chop
    • Temperature Low 4oC, High 8oC



** All wildlife photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **


Weather – Current:


Weather – Past:

Last Day!

I don’t think my time here has ever flown quite this fast! 

Between visitors, rescue work, whales, and beautiful weather, the past month has gone by in the blink of an eye. It has been incredible and I am forever grateful for the opportunity to be able to work out here. 

I know I’ll be back, but until then – here are a few of my favourite moments from October. 

** All wildlife photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **

Entangled Sea Lion and Oct 20 Census

*WARNING* Today’s blog post contains photos of a severely entangled sea lion with deep wounds.

Well, if my warning wasn’t an indicator – today has not been the most fun day of animal spotting.

I came across a California sea lion this morning with by far the worst entanglement I’ve ever seen. What appears to be monofilament fishing net has wrapped itself so tight that its caused deep wounds on the back of his neck, as well as the rest of the way around. On top of that, the netting is so tightly wrapped around his muzzle that he doesn’t appear to be able to open his mouth.

Given that my full time job is in marine mammal rescue, seeing entangled animals is not new to me, I see them so often that I sometimes feel immune to how awful it is.

Today I am not immune, I am horrified.

All of the right organizations and people have been contacted and I know that every single one of those people will do everything they can to help him. I just hope he stays put until then.

There is a second entangled sea lion here as well, a Steller with a packing strap around its neck which is bad but thankfully not as severe as the Cali.

Moving on to today’s census….with the weather being so bad this weekend, I’m not surprised the numbers are down from last week!


Steller sea lions: 392
California sea lions: 652
Harbour seals: 41

Tons of humpbacks this week and a few transient orca stopped by the jetty yesterday in the midst of the storm!


Gulls: 215
Cormorants: 170
Turnstones: 25
Canadian geese: 23
Oyster catchers: 2
Golden-crowned kinglet: 3

If you’ve made it this far, here is a picture of a cute little bird: See the taxonomy page at

Golden Crowned kinglet

Golden-crowned kinglet. Regulus satrapa


  • Ecotourism: 5


  • Sky: Cloudy and rainy
  • Wind: Low of 3 knots, high of 19 knots, with gusts up to 37 knots
  • Sea: Whitecaps in the afternoon
  • Temperature: Low 9•C, High 14•C

** All wildlife photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **

1, 2, 3 Baby Stellers!

When I first saw the Steller pup a couple of days ago I was SO excited. As previously mentioned, Race Rocks is not a rookery so pups are not born here. The nearest rookery would be near Ucluelet and the other well established rookeries are much further north.

I reached out to a few people and I’m told that this pup could have been from the rookery near Ucluelet – which is still very far, or perhaps the mom didn’t give birth at a rookery and rather a different haulout site, which isn’t totally out of the question.

Fast forward to today and I’m photographing the pup when I hear what sounds like a baby goat screaming behind me. I turned around to find yet another Steller pup and its mom! And yes – baby Stellers sound like goats/sheep and often yell out a loud “BAAAAAH”.

Pup 1

Pup 2

I spent about an hour watching these two babies interact with their moms and other sea lions around them, taking so many photos that I’m surprised my camera didn’t catch fire. I finally headed back to the house and stopped dead in my tracks as I noticed a third pup and its mom on the rocks next to the jetty!

Pup 3!!!!

I ran back to the south side of the island to make sure no one took a swim and the other pups were still there. So we now have three whole Steller sea lion pups!

I mentioned in my blog post a couple days ago that we’ve seen nursing moms and pups before but those were much older pups so this is new. These are 2024 pups which means they were born sometime around June-July and are only a few months old!

I can’t wait to watch them over the next 3 weeks and see who else shows up!

I think his mom might be ready to find a babysitter!

** All wildlife photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **

Entangled Steller (still)

Over the week I’ve been here I’ve seen the same entangled Steller every day, usually on the same side of the island. Since he had been sighted so regularly we made a plan with Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and the Vancouver Aquarium Marine Mammal Rescue Society (VAMMR) to make the trip from the mainland to disentangle him.

The head veterinarian at VAMMR is the only person here in BC that is trained and capable of darting a sea lion with a sedative in order to remove whatever it is entangled in.

There are so many factors that go into planning and executing these response efforts.

  • First: the animal has to be seen consistently over a few days in the same spot. Sea lions are mobile and keeping track of them isn’t always easy. There is nothing worse than showing up to help an animal only to find out it is no longer there.
  • Second: the VAMMR and DFO teams both have to be available with adequate vessels. Disentanglements can require teams to lean over the side of a boat to access the animal so rhibs are preferred and often necessary.
  • Third: the weather and tide have to be rather ideal conditions. If a sedated animal is in the water you can’t risk a fast moving tide or swell – that’s not safe for anyone. Wind and rain are not only factors that can make it difficult to dart the target animal but they also make it near impossible to fly a drone – an essential tool in these rescues.

Basically, all of these factors need to line up on the same day in order for a response to be planned. That day was today! Both teams available, no wind, good tides, animal seen all week…well until Sunday.

I did not see the sea lion Sunday or Monday despite my best efforts and requests for vessels in the area to keep an eye out. The animal being in the area is of course the most important aspect and without him there is no disentanglement to be done. The response was called off last night, teams standing down until he was re-sighted – a very reasonable decision.

HOWEVER…Guess who was perched on the rock next to the jetty this morning when I did my morning walk around? Yep, you guessed it, our big ol’ Steller with a packing strap tightly wrapped around his neck, and I’m not at all surprised. This is a frequent and very frustrating occurrence in the marine mammal field and had the team come out today I’m sure we wouldn’t have been able to find him. That’s just how it works sometimes. 

What now?

From here, we continue monitoring and planning. We all know we want to help him, so as the Ecoguardian I will continue to let both teams know each day that I see him. We will all work together to find another day where we can tick all the factor boxes and get out here to successfully remove the entanglement. It’ll happen!

For now – here is a video of a recent disentanglement done by VAMMR and DFO so you have a bit of an idea what goes into it.

Disentanglement Video

Other things from today:

Facility Work:

  • Oil and fuel filter change on the generator
  • Fuel transfer and filled generator with diesel
  • Chopped wood
  • Repaired electric fence
  • Topped up battery electrolytes


  • Ecotourism: 7
  • Private: 1


  • Sky: Cloudy, intermittent rain
  • Wind: Low of 1 knot, high of 11 knots
  • Sea: Calm, ripple in the afternoon
  • Temperature: Low 8•C, High 17•C

** All wildlife photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **

Steller Pup!

As frustrating as it can be, I think I actually enjoy repairing the fence every morning. It’s become my morning routine – wake up, start a pot of coffee, take a lap outside and repair the damage, return inside to drink the aforementioned coffee.

The sea lions are entertaining. The Calis are alert at first but immediately lie back down even if I’m two feet away from them fixing the fence. However, the much larger Stellers bolt into the water the second they see me even if they are 100m and 300 Calis away from me. You’d think the larger, more intimidating species wouldn’t frighten so easily.

My lazy site supervisor

Speaking of Stellers – I came across a pup and its mom this afternoon next to the jetty. I witnessed nursing mother/pups when I was here in the spring but those pups were much larger. This pup appears to be from this year meaning he would have been born around June/July. Race Rocks is not a rookery so I’m interested to know where he was born! I’ve reached out to some contacts and will report back. Until then…enjoy his cute little face!


  • Ecotourism: 9
  • Private: 3


  • Sky: Sun and clouds
  • Wind: None
  • Sea: Calm
  • Temperature: Low 8•C, High 17•C

** All wildlife photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail!