elephant seals have both left the boat ramp

Wednesday, April 03, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 11.9 ºC »» Min. 3.3 ºC »» Reset 9.3 ºC
MARINE LIFE: 2 mature Bald Eagles today, 1 arrived first light, the other after noon. The elephant seals have both left the boat ramp- very good timing as we needed to use the boat today. If today was an example of the weather for the rest of spring the cold and snow of a couple weeks ago was not so bad.
HUMAN INTERACTION: 2 ecotour boats and 3 pleasure craft. The 2nd Nature was in with 2 loads of fuel this morning; station boat made a return trip to Pedder Bay -mail and supplies- Garry was out this afternoon with some students(college boat)
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:14 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Clear »» Vis. 15 Miles »» Wind North East 8 Knots »» Sea Rippled
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:19 AM

a change in the weather

Friday, March 22, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 8.5 C  Min. 3.9 C  Reset 6.2 C
MARINE LIFE: Well the birds are certainly willing to give this ‘spring thing’ another go, what a difference a day can make.At first light the island was alive with honking geese-2 pair- cheerful Oyster Catchers and 80 to 100 noisy gulls.Amazing how a change in the weather can have such an effect , hope it lasts! 1 of the bull Elephant Seals hauled out again on the boat ramp and over the course of the day moved up by the tank room and seemed not at all stressed by the attention of the human visitors, as long as reasonable distance was maintained of course!
HUMAN INTERACTION: There were 5 Ecotour boats, 3 Pleasure Craft through the M.P.A. 1 College boat with Garry and students arrived in the afternoon also the station boat made a return trip to Pedder Bay.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:59 PM

Good MorningWEATHER: Sky Cloudy �� Vis. 15 Miles �� Wind North East 11 Knots �� Sea 1 Foot Chop

posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:17 AM

Student group to Race Rocks

Tuesday, February 26, 2002
Good Afternoon
Weather: Sunny and clear >> >> Vis 17 miles >> >> Wind East 5 Knots >> >> Sea Rippled
MARINELIFE: The good news is the Elephant Seal appears to have freed himself from the grip of the rope we reported yesterday. He has a scar but let’s hope he is OK. Calm winds this morning and lots of Eagle action with 1 immature and 5 mature.
HUMAN INTERACTION: Garry and the racerocks.com activity students ashore to shoot some archive video this afternoon. Pearson divers aboard Second Nature diving off West Rocks in ideal conditions. One eco-tour boat so far today.
Chris Blondeau takes over from me later today. I am sorry to leave!!!
[02/26/2002 2300hrs | Chris Blondeau
Change of watch
Started my tour of duty at 1630hrs
HUMAN INTERACTION: Late afternoon we were visited by one eco-tour boat and two Zodiacs. One from the department of Fisheries and the other belonging to the Victoria Police, both patrolling together.
Great sunset again tonight. “Red skies at night are a sailors delight” Later-on a bright moon came up and created some stunning visuals. The lighthouse was backlit by the moon and casting a long shadow on the ground, while the beacon rotating above sent rays of light all around. If you are a movie buff and are familiar with the CASTLEROCK ENTERTAINMENT logo; you get the picture. Took some video of the scene using both normal and night vision exposure settings. I hope the footage is good enough to be useable.
Everything around was quiet and still. Only the familiar Humm of the generator in the background. A reminder that unlike the other inhabitants of Race Rocks humans are fragile and high maintenance creatures.
More tomorrow
posted by Angus Matthews at 4:16 PM

Good Morning
Weather: Sunny and clear >> >> Vis 17 miles >> >> Wind NNE 2-3 Knots >> >> Sea calm
posted by Angus Matthews at 9:31 AM

Students out from College for a webcast

Thursday, February 14, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 7.9C  Min. 3.9C  Reset 6.0C
MARINE LIFE: 13 mature, 2 immature Bald Eagles. The Geese spent the day in the Northeast quadrant of Gr. Race, then just after dark we heard them move around to the grass area by the tower, maybe to spend the night out of the wind.
HUMAN INTERACTION: College boats out with Angus, Garry, Chris and students about 9:30 to do a live webcast,not the best weather wind wise – a cold 13 knts. from the north but at least it was sunny! Everyone was rewarded on the trip back to campus with an unexpected ‘ interlude’ with an Orca – most likely transient- just outside the entrance to Pedder Bay. The lone bull was moving westward not too far off shore and although we had to watch him through the telescope it is always exciting to get even a glimpse.Garry and students returned for a dive at 3p.m. Left for the campus about 4:45 p.m. 2 Pleasure craft through the reserve today.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:06 PM

students webcast

Sunday, November 25, 2001
Good evening
TEMPERATURE: Max 8.1ºC — Min. 5.3ºC — Reset 5.4ºC — Rain 9.8 mm
HUMAN INTERACTION:The 2nd Nature in to the dock a little after 9:00 with the students working on the live web presentation at the R.B.C.M.The sea was much calmer than yesterday but the rain was a definite inconvenience. One charter Dive boat in West Race area from 11:00 until just after 14:00. The students departed approximately 15:30 to return to campus.
MARINE LIFE: There was a group of 3 male and 2 female Harlequin Ducks in the East Bay most of the afternoon.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:08 PM
Good morning
WEATHER: Sky overcast — Vis. 15 miles — Wind west 5 knots — Sea rippled
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:18 AM

Webcasting Crew out

Saturday, November 24, 2001
Good evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 8.5ºC — Min. 7.3 — Reset 8.1ºC — Rain 0.2 mm
HUMAN INTERACTION: Not the best weather for live web casting -however the “crew” arrived after a bumpy ride in the 2nd Nature and braved the very cold North Easterly.There were also the hardy divers on the ‘Juan de Fuca Warrior’ diving the West Race Area.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:05 PM
Good morning
WEATHER: Sky overcast — Vis. 15 miles — Wind north east 23 knots — Sea 3 foot moderate
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:27 AM

Project week for PC students


Monday, November 05, 2001
 Good Evening,
PC STUDENTS: Project week students –Well we are just finishing our second day here at Racerocks. Today Sarah and I seeded some grass in the fissures of the newly restored rock. Along with Salla we ventured to the top of the lighthouse. The view is spectacular! The high light of our day was a poignant video captured by Kiprop of a sea lion sneezing. We vacuumed the tank, and we all learned to syphon, valuable skill. It was a fantastic day out today, which culminated in a great pizza.
We will attept to rise for 7:30am in order to do the morning recordings. We have decided today to make a video, entitled “How to survive on racerocks, for dummies.” We will start production tomorrow.
posted by HANNAH McKinnon at 7:21 PM
 PC STUDENTS: Project Week students-On Sunday, five students from Lester Pearson College, Salla from Finland, Sarah from Saskatchewan, Hannah from Manitoba, Muyad from Palestine and Kiprop from Kenya moved out to stay at Race Rocks in the Marine Science Centre for the week. They have a number of projects they are doing while there so they will be commenting on what is happening on this log over the next few days.
posted by Garry Fletcher at 1:50 PM
 Good morning
WEATHER:Sky cloudy — Vis 15 miles — Light rain shower — Wind north west 6 knots — Sea rippled
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:19 AM


http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/rrcom/rrcomactivity/rrcomactive.jpgSeptember 11, 2001 We met this afternoon for the first session of the racerocks.com activity at Lester Pearson College. A tragic day for all of us as events unfold in the US. After a discussion of how the racerocks.com program has developed over the past few years, and projections as to where we may take it from here, we ran a short sample webcast from the biology lab. We were able to show the eight new first year students in the activity the process involved in a webcast.


Monica works her magic with the sound system while Garry and Paul check out the webcast on the monitor.

OCT 6, 2001: Paul Kennedy of the CBC Radio program “IDEAS” went with us to Race Rocks on the afternoon of October 6. He was interested in observing one of our live webcasts from underwater. He is in the process of preparing a series on Canada’s Oceans in December of 2001, and has been intrigued with the potentials for distance education that is afforded by the technology we have developed here for racerocks.com.This series is being rebroadcast in February and March 2002. Race Rocks Segment : CBC radio Feb 22 9:00 P.M.


On February 14 , 2002, we did a live webcast for Keith Mitchell of ALI ( Apple learning Interchange) in his presentation at QuickTime Live in Hollywood California. This was the first time we tried out the new webcasting software “LiveChannel” from our new partners Channel Storm.

Pearson College Orientation week 2001

When the Lester Pearson College students arrive at the college for the fall term, the first week is an Orientation Week. This year part of their schedule was a boat trip to Race Rocks and a guided tour by second year student Damien from Ireland.

Sunset on Race Rocks Video

Race Rocks, with its location in the Strait Juan de Fuca, often gets illuminated in the evening by sunsets such as this one. It adds to the beauty of the site and reminds one of the importance of protecting such a place. In this video, the Pearson College Choir accompanies the video with the singing of the ‘Skidigate Love Song’. This video was made and edited by Jean-Olivier Dalphond (PC 26) in June 2001.